Social Studies Extra Credit

Read the biography about Chandragupta Mauyra and complete the three responses on a separate piece of paper.   This assignment is worth 10 extra credit points towards homework assingments. All answers must have complete sentences and be accurate.  If this assignment was already given to you as make up work send Mrs. Alexander and e-mail and she will send you an alternate assignment. You will only get credit for the assignment once.


Chandragupta Maurya

?-298 BC



caste social class based

on wealth, rank, or



abdicated gave up

WHY HE MADE HISTORY Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Mauryan Empire, the first empire to unite most of India. He ruled from 324 to 301 BC.


As you read the biography below, think about how Chandragupta Maurya was able to accomplish all that he did in India. C


     Chandragupta Maurya’s early life is a mystery.  Some historians think that he was the son a prince. Other sources state that he was raised by peacock tamers and may have come from a low caste. When he was young, Chandragupta was exiled from the Indian kingdom of Magadha. According to Greek historian Plutarch, Chandragupta met Alexander the Great during this time. Alexander told Chandragupta that he could return to India and easily seize power, since the current king was unpopular with the people.


     Chandragupta began raising an army. He was able to retake much of the land in northwestern India that Alexander had conquered once Alexander had left India. Chandragupta was greatly influenced by Alexander the Great. Many scholars say that the way Chandragupta ruled was very similar to the way Alexander ruled.


     In 321 BC Chandragupta returned to Magadha and overthrew the king. He then began building his empire. As a young man, Chandragupta had been taught by a Hindu minister named Kautilya. With Kautilya’s help, Chandragupta conquered the last of the Magadha kings and captured the capital city of Pataliputa.


     In 324 BC Chandragupta Maurya founded the Mauryan Empire, which was the first empire in India’s history to include most of the subcontinent.


     The empire covered much of present-day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and part of Afghanistan. Chandragupta ruled the empire with the help

of a complex government and a network of spies. He also created a large and powerful army of more than 600,000 soldiers, thousands of chariots, and war elephants. To finance his army and government, Chandragupta taxed India’s commerce, as well as trade with Greece and Persia. Chandragupta also used this money to improve irrigation and build new roads and canals throughout India.


      A Greek writer and traveler named Meghasthenes visited India during Chandragupta’s reign. He wrote Indica, which documented life during this time in India. Indica describes government and social life during the rule of Chandragupta Maurya. In 301 Chandragupta decided to become a monk. He abdicated his throne to his son, who continued to expand the empire. Chandragupta’s grandson, Asoka, extended the Mauryan Empire over most of India. The Mauryan Empire continued to expand until its collapse in 185 BC.



1. What political figure was Chandragupta Maurya said to resemble?

2.  Draw a Conclusion What do think Indica might have described?


3. Use an encyclopedia, your textbook, or online reference to research Alexander the Great. Create a chart that compares and contrasts Alexander to Chandragupta.

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