Teacher Rough Draft Example

Mesa Verde and Mongoll Membres


          Two amazing ancient civilizations are the Mesa Verde and Mongoll Membres civilazations. Three interesting facts about these civilizations include there: location, their pottery styles, and their deaths. In this essay I will compare and contrast this stuff.  Both civilizations are unique, but they also share certain similarities.  First, I will share with you my info on Mesa Verde!

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          Mesa Verde is located in the wonderful area near Colorado New Mexico.  This info was shared with me on the map on page 149 of the text, “The Search For Early American’s” by Sheila Cowing.  This civilization was known for their plane  pottery  that Richard Wettherill discovered during his explorations. 0 Another interesting discovery at Mea Verde were   the skeletons left behind.  Mesa Verde was a great civilization , but the Mongol Membres were even more interesting.

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          The Mongol Membres were located near the Mesa verde in Southewest New Mexcio.  This civilization was even more well known for their pottery.  Their potter y weas more artistic and according to the text,  they was the 1st  Americans to decorate pottery.  While Mesa Verde had skeletons,  the Mobngols would go to great lengths to burry the pottery with their dead.  This was an amaizing civiliazation to learn about.


          Mesa Verde and Mongoll Membres were both great american Civilizations.  They both had a unique collection of pottery.  Each civilization had sources of death.  

I think ….


 I learned…


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