• Reading: 25 minutes (AR Test Thursday)
  • Spelling: 1.5 Long o: Write each word 5 times each on binder paper with a proper heading.
  • Language/Arts: None
  • Math: H1.8 (front side only). Chapter 1 Test Friday!
  • Science: None
  • Social Studies: None
  • Library on Thursday.
  • Rhythms of the World this Friday!
  • Friday morning is the last day to get all past due work turned in to participate in Free Academic Choice J


  • Reading: 25 minutes (AR Test Thursday)
  • Spelling: 1.4: page 22
  • Language/Arts: None
  • Math: H1.7: Subtracting Whole Numbers (front and back)
  • Science: None
  • Social Studies: None
  • Library tomorrow. Bring your books!!
  • Share a Sole! (Please fill out the form. The form will be time stamped. So if you would like a new pair of shoes send the form in as soon as possible!)
  • Picture Day is tomorrow, Thursday, September 12th. Please wear a uniform shirt or colors of white, navy blue, or hunter green.


  • Reading: 25 minutes (AR Test Thursday)
  • Spelling: 1.4: page 21
  • Language/Arts: None
  • Math: None
  • Science: None
  • Social Studies: None
  • TEST PAPERS! Due tomorrow!
  • Share a Sole! (Please fill out the form. The form will be time stamped. So if you would like a new pair of shoes send the form in tomorrow!)
  • Picture Day is Thursday, September 12th. Please wear uniform shirt or colors of white, navy blue, or hunter green.
  • Earbuds/Headphones (You can bring your own to use in the classroom). If you don’t have earbuds and would like to have your own personal ones…I can purchase them for you for $1.00, otherwise you can still use the headphones provided in class. I have a limited amount left.


  • Reading: 25 minutes (AR Test Friday)
  • Spelling: 1.4: Write each word 5 times each on binder paper with a proper heading
  • Language/Arts: None
  • Math: H1.6: Add Whole Numbers (front side); Practice on ThinkCentral. Quiz tomorrow!
  • Science: None
  • Social Studies: None
  • TEST PAPERS! They are coming home today. Please review, sign, and return by Wednesday morning the latest.
  • Share a Sole! (Please fill out the form. The form will be time stamped. So if you would like a new pair of shoes send the form in tomorrow!)
  • Picture Day is Thursday, September 12th.
  • ZBest Entertainment Book Fundraiser. Fundraiser ended today. Please return book or $20.
  • Earbuds/Headphones (You can bring your own to use in the classroom). If you don’t have earbuds and would like to have your own personal ones…I can purchase them for you for $1.00, otherwise you can still use the headphones provided in class. I have a limited amount left.


  • Reading: 25 minutes (AR Test tomorrow)
  • Spelling: 1.3 page 16 and Test tomorrow
  • Language/Arts: Grammar Quiz: Compound Sentences
  • Math: H1.5 Rename Numbers (front side); Practice on ThinkCentral. Quiz tomorrow!
  • Science: Chapter 1..Lesson 2 Quiz on Food Chains (Open Book)
  • Social Studies: None
  • Spirit Rally Tomorrow! (Wear BCM shirt or BCM colors…navy blue, hunter green, or white)
  • ZBest Entertainment Book Fundraiser. Please bring form back signed even if you do not want to participate. The cost of the book is $20 if you would like to purchase one. Fundraiser ends on 9/9.
  • Earbuds/Headphones (You can bring your own to use in the classroom). If you don’t have earbuds and would like to have your own personal ones…I can purchase them for you for $1.00, otherwise you can still use the headphones provided in class. I have a limited amount left.


  • Reading: 25 minutes
  • Spelling: 1.3 page 15
  • Language/Arts: None
  • Math: Chapter 1 Midchapter Prescription and Retest if you did not pass with 70% or higher. Due by Friday morning if you would like to receive a higher score.
  • Science: None
  • Social Studies: None
  • Technology Contract (Yours and parent signature)
  • ZBest Entertainment Book Fundraiser. Please bring form back signed even if you do not want to participate. The cost of the book is $20 if you would like to purchase one. Fundraiser ends on 9/9.
  • Earbuds/Headphones (You can bring your own to use in the classroom). If you don’t have earbuds and would like to have your own personal ones…I can purchase them for you for $1.00, otherwise you can still use the headphones provided in class. I have a limited amount left.
  • Chili’s Fundraiser!!! (Eat out tonight!…I had it for lunch…it was great and helps our school!)