- Reading: 25 minutes (AR Test Thursday)
Spelling: None
Language/Arts: None
Math: Chapter 4 Midchapter Quiz (Review practice page we did in class today)
Social Studies: None
Dental Screening on Friday, February 14, 2020. Form must be filled out and signed in order to participate. Free notebook and teeth cleaning kit J
VALENTINE’S DAY: I am sending home a list of all the students in our class if you would like to participate in exchanging Valentine Day cards. You may also bring a small treat to share with your class on Friday.
FARMER’S MARKET FIELD TRIP: Please read orange note. Wear comfortable shoes. Bring money if you would like to buy items. Late start tomorrow. DO NOT BE LATE!!!! THE BUS WILL LEAVE WITHOUT YOU!
Library is on Thursdays. (Unless it is closed)
Friday morning is the last day to get all past due work turned in to participate in Free Academic Choice!!!