- Reading: 25 minutes (AR Test Thursday)
- Spelling: 2.5 Test
- Language/Arts: Grammar Quiz: Irregular Plural Nouns
- Math: H2.11 (front side)
- Science: None
- Social Studies: None
- Please return blue paper about fingerprinting.
- A Mobile Fingerprinting van will be coming to our school during Minimum Day/Conference week. The mobile van will be here on Tuesday, November 19th from 12:00pm-3:00pm during conference times. This is by appointment only. This is the link to set up an appointment: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A044DAAAF2DA3F85-mobile1
- Farmer’s Market Field Trip Note coming home today. Please read.
- Butterbraid Fundraiser!!
- Library is on Thursdays. (Unless it is closed)
- Friday morning is the last day to get all past due work turned in to participate in Free Academic Choice!!!