• Reading: 25 minutes (AR Test Thursday)
  • Spelling: 2.4: page 51
  • Language/Arts: None
  • Math: Chapter 2 Midchapter: If you did not pass with 70% or higher do the Prescription and Retake of the Quiz to improve your score. Otherwise the score will remain the same.
  • Science: None
  • Social Studies: 1.2 Quiz tomorrow. Open book and notes.
  • What is it and who is it for?

    The RydeFreeRT program will offer fare-free transit for youth and students on the entire SacRT network. This initiative will provide youth universal access to ride SacRT buses, light rail, and SmaRT

    Ride microtransit service. The program is available all day, any day of the week, and all year during regular SacRT service hours.

    When does it start?

    At present, the program is set to run for one year from October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020.

    It is important to note that students intending to ride SacRT during August and September 2019 will have to buy student passes for those months.

    How does the RydeFreeRT program work?

    Most students will automatically receive a sticker with their valid student ID this year. For students and youth not attending a participating school, check with your local library or visit sacrt.com.

    Stickers are good for one year of fare-free travel on SacRT, beginning October 1, 2019.

    Where can I learn more?

    To learn more about SacRT’s upcoming fare-free youth program, visit www.rydefreeRT.com or visit

  • Library on Thursday!
  • Friday morning is the last day to get all past due work turned in to participate in Free Academic Choice!!!