Thursday 1/29/15 Homework


Posted by mrsgoodwin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 29, 2015

Math: 5th – WB pgs. 131,132

4th – Khan Academy 20 min

ELA – Spelling 30pts

Spelling & Vocab tests tomorrow

SS – Ch. 3 Test tomorrow

Farmers Market Field Trip Permission Slips due 2/5

Tuesday 1/27/15 Homework


Posted by mrsgoodwin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 27, 2015

Math: 5th – WB pgs. 129-130

4th – WB pgs. 119-120

ELA – Read Weekly Reader Magazine

Spelling 30 pts. due Friday


Monday 1/26/15 Homework


Posted by mrsgoodwin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 26, 2015

Math – 5th: WB pgs. 127,128

4th :WB pgs. 117,118

ELA – Spelling 30pts due Friday

Science – 5th: Finish vocab

4th: Finish outline

Wednesday 1/21/15 Homework


Posted by mrsgoodwin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 21, 2015

Math: 5th – WB pgs. 121,122  and Khan Academy 20 min. (fractions)

4th – WB pgs 113,144 and Khan Academy 20 min. (fractions)

ELA – Weekly Reader questions

Tuesday 1/20/15 Homework


Posted by mrsgoodwin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 20, 2015

4th & 5th

Math: Khan Academy 20 min.

ELA: Read Weekly Reader


Thursday 1/15/15 Homework


Posted by mrsgoodwin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 15, 2015

Math: 5th – WB pgs. 115,116 (Ch. 5 Test is on Tuesday)

4th – Study for Ch. 5 test – Test tomorrow

ELA –  Spelling 30pts

Spelling & Vocab tests tomorrow

Franklin High field trip permission slips & $5 due tomorrow!

Magazines for art project due tomorrow!


Wednesday 1/14/2015 Homework


Posted by mrsgoodwin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 14, 2015

Math: 5th – WB pgs. 113,114

4th – WB pgs. 107,108, Chapter 5 Math test  this Friday

ELA – Spelling 30 pts. (due Friday)


Franklin High field trip permission slip and $5

Magazines for art project

Pennies for Patients

Tuesday 1/13/15


Posted by mrsgoodwin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 13, 2015

Math: 5th – WB pgs. 111,112

4th – WB pgs. 105,106

ELA – Spelling 30 pts (due Fri.)

Field Trip permission slip and $5 for Franklin High’s Peter Pan

Magazines for art project

Pennies for Patients

Monday 1/12/15 Homework


Posted by mrsgoodwin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 12, 2015

Math: 5th – WB pgs 109-110

4th – WB pgs 103-104

ELA – Spelling 30pts due Friday

Read WR magazine

Permission Slip and $5 for Franklin High’s performance of Peter Pan field trip – due Friday

Bring in magazines for Vision Board Art project


Thursday 1/8/15 Homework


Posted by mrsgoodwin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 8, 2015

Math: 5th- WB pgs. 107 & 108, Review for mid-chapter checkpoing

4th- Review for mid-chapter checkpoint, 20 min. Khan Academy

ELA- Spelling 30pts due tomorrow

Spelling & Vocab tests tomorrow

*Bring in magazines for Vision Board art project

* 4th grade – Field Trip $6

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