Activism can have be long but successful

Activists Research

  1. Activist 1: Frederick Douglass: A former slave and Human rights activist who wanted an abolitionist movement for black citizenship. Captured of words of what America is about. Met John Brown, who was a passionate abolitionist wanted to overthrow the establishment of slavery and declines to due to violence, but John Brown hung. From Abraham Lincoln, Free Soldiers (Slaved) would be recruited and fought for freedom and Douglass was contributed to be a great leader for a recruit officer.
  1. Activist 2: John F. Kennedy: United States Presidency for the American Civil Rights. He Represented change, possibility, equality to people who didn’t have equality to their lives. John inspired people to go onto the streets and march for their own rights and young people to join the Peace Corps and do well around the world. Contributed too much success against Cuba and the missile crisis.
  1. Activist 3: Nelson Mandela: Mandela was an Activist to relieve black Africans from a much segregated South Africa. Created the spear of nation that would have non-violent use to his peace. He joined the African national congress to oppose the government of racial segregation. From this, South Africans were able to vote for their own leaders and achieved his dream for all South Africans to be equal.

5 causes of Activism

  1. Environmental activism of the population because equality of people (Blacks, Whites, Asians, Mexicans, etc.) is a better nation than a nation that is not equal in both human rights and civil rights.
  2. Supranational Activism use of many non-free countries or a non-governmental country that has no rules to become an established country.
  3. Coverage of media: The media should cover all news and media to show what is happening to the countries that have to do with the world around us today.
  4. Usage of Poverty: The world has very high poverty in every part of the world and would not be useful for a nation that will be strong again in the case of an outbreak from the Government.
  5. Justice to the environment would give crimes poor and disadvantages to the land and other areas that are seen as polluted and for that we should stand up for our only place we inhabit on.

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