Ten Tips to Dramatically Improve Your Picture


There are two simple thing you can do to greatly change your picture for the better.

1. Get down on their level

– at your subjects eye level you can capture powerful magnetic gazes and mesmerizing smiles

-for kids & pets, this means getting down on their level before taking their picture

-they’re not required to look at the camera, the eye level angle itself will create a personal & inviting feeling

2. Use a Plain Background

– before taking a picture observe the background

-try to avoid trees or poles sprouting from your subject’s head

-a cluttered background will be distracting, but a plain background emphasizes your subject

3. Use flash outdoors

-even outside use flash photography, this improves your picture

-use it to lighten dark shadows below the eyes & nose, especially when the sun is directly overhead or behind your subject

-on cloudy days, it will brighten faces & make them stand out from the background

4. Move in close

-get a close up picture, to give it impact, fill your picture with the subject

-move in close or use the zoom until the subject fills the view finder this eliminates background distractions  & focuses on the details of your subject

-for mini objects, use the camera’s macro or ‘flower’ to get sharp close ups



The Elements of Art

Elements are the building blocks of creation, they are the visual language of art. Their are several different types of elements.



Line- a point moving in space. Line can vary in width, length curvature, color or direction



value- brightness or darkness of a hue or neutral color



color- the visual sensation dependent on the reflection or absorption of light from a given surface



texture- surface quality of materials either actual (tactile) or implied (visual)





Shape- a two dimensional area or plane that may be open or closed, freeform geometric, can be found in nature or made by humans



There are two types of shapes:

1 Geometric- shapes are usually angular and appear frequently in man made objects


2 Organic- shapes are usally more rounded and appear most often in nature

form- a three diminsional volume or the illusion of three diminsions




space- the emptiness or area between, above, around, below, or contained within objects





Special Effects

In photo today I learned how to add special effects. I like it because it makes the picture more interesting and it gets my attention. Adding special effects can make any picture 10 times more interesting. I don’t remember what special effects I used besides scattered, but my goal was to my picture look cool and attract attention.

Special Place


Monday through Friday and sometimes Saturday & Sunday I’m extremely busy. I have two hour football practices, hard Chemistry assignments, and a lot of Algebra 2 assignments. This adds up to a lot of work which equals a lot of stress. My day is very hectic and stressful, thats why every I try to sleep every moment I can. I love my bed because I love to sleep. My bed is very comfortable, smooth, and relaxing. When I sleep I can just forget about everything that has to be done for the day thats why I call my bed my special place.

Near and Dear

These are my family members my sister and dad. It was a very special day for my sister, it was the day she graduated elementary school

My family members are near and dear to me. These people are very important to me because nobody cares about you like family. We have our ups and downs but will never abandon each other. We’re always there for each other and we’ll always help each other out when when needed. I really care about my family and they care about me, I’m  really close with all my family members.