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Favorite Assignment
My favorite assignment was “Cloudy With a Chance of_________”. It was a fun and interesting assignment it taught me how to make unreal photos. How to make things rain from the sky. It also taught me and my friends how to express our imagination.
Before and After
Flash Back Friday
For flashback Friday I choose a picture of me when I was a baby. I liked it because it was an interesting picture and it symbolized an important event.The day I first entered this world. It was the begining of my life, it was an important event for me and my parents. I Also chose that picture because it was the first one I saw & I was to tired to search the photoalbum in the garage for other possibilities.
Food Studio
Selfie Nation
The significance of the selfie is the actual person in the selfie. When someone takes a picture of them self, just them self they can freely express there personality, feelings, thoughts, and culture in a powerful way. I looked up an article and learned a selfie reveals who you are. It is also a good way to show off in a positive way. I agree with most of the article and a few selfies here and there are O.K. but don’t have 80% of Instagram & Facebook photos be selfies, that ins’t healthy. It is also good to have friends to express what type of people you like, who you care about or who means something in your life.