For my photo essay I took a lot of photos representing what a school day is like for me. I took several pictures that should give you the just of what my day is like. From waking up, making breakfast and lunch, going to school, what I do when I’m at school, what I do after school, and going home

My day usually start with me waking up around 6:00ish most of the days of the week. Unless it is Monday or the weekends, this is the time I usually get up. Once that alarm music goes off, I know all relaxation is over.

After I wake up I get dressed. What I wear depends on what day of the week it is. If you noticed Mondays and Tuesdays are when I wear plan clothes. By Wedensday I wear something fairly reasonable. After that I try to wear my best product. However these rules don’t apply when there is a day I have to wear a uniform.

Next, I hurry to eat breakfast, the picture is of an egg and beacon sandwich. This is just what I happened to be eating that day. There is a large variety of breakfast options available for me. I can usually choose a breakfast sandwich, a regular sandwich, cereal, a breakfast bowl, left overs from last night, etc. just anything I can use as nutrients to start the day off right. I’m not picky.

Next, I prepare my lunch. I have to put a lot of items in there to make sure I can get through the day. I fill my bag with sandwiches, water, jucies, crakers, fake chips, granola bars, and fiber one items. The most important thing in my entire lunch bag is my water.

Then, I’ll add a few final touches and jet out. The hardest part is getting my mom in the car. I have to constantly remind my mom when it is time to go. However eventually we make it to the function mobile where we listen to hot102.5 or 102.9 on my way to school to get that education on.

Now I’ve arrived to school, this is wear I have to turn myself on and apply myself. School takes a lot of energy. This is where I get a little sad because all relaxation dies when I enter this environment.

After about five hours, I get my lunch break. If I am lucky for the day I can find some time to chill with my friends. Otherwise I am trying to stay ahead of my academics, getting some sort of tutoring.

After school I would try to squeeze in some more academic work. I’d have very little time to do so because shortly after I would have to attend football practice. I would often try to cram heavy tutoring into a 30 minute period each day. If it is a game day I have to disregard this step and go straight to the football game to participate in it.

Then, my mom and/or dad pick me up and I go home. You’d think my day would be over by now but not quite unless it is Friday I get to relax and sleep for the 15 minutes it takes to get home, & then I have more work to do. If it is Friday I attend a team dinner for an hour, go home, get a half an hour to myself, come back to school to get a little football practice in, then I get on the bus to go to the big game.
When I get home I like to settle down for a quick moment before handling my responsibilities. I do this by eating dinner. During this period I calm down a little, Reflect on my day, and chat with my parents.

Finally I finish up the rest of my academic process By this time I am real close to being able to rest and relax again. Once I am finished with this, I do a few other things, then I am off to bed.

So that is just a brief summary of my day. It can get pretty wild and busy for me. However, I can’t complain, in is sertainly ten times less stressful than college. From what I herd, it gets pretty crazy. At least my days aren’t boring, because I always have something to do.