There are two simple thing you can do to greatly change your picture for the better.
1. Get down on their level
– at your subjects eye level you can capture powerful magnetic gazes and mesmerizing smiles
-for kids & pets, this means getting down on their level before taking their picture
-they’re not required to look at the camera, the eye level angle itself will create a personal & inviting feeling
2. Use a Plain Background
– before taking a picture observe the background
-try to avoid trees or poles sprouting from your subject’s head
-a cluttered background will be distracting, but a plain background emphasizes your subject
3. Use flash outdoors
-even outside use flash photography, this improves your picture
-use it to lighten dark shadows below the eyes & nose, especially when the sun is directly overhead or behind your subject
-on cloudy days, it will brighten faces & make them stand out from the background
4. Move in close
-get a close up picture, to give it impact, fill your picture with the subject
-move in close or use the zoom until the subject fills the view finder this eliminates background distractions & focuses on the details of your subject
-for mini objects, use the camera’s macro or ‘flower’ to get sharp close ups