10 Top Photo Tips Summaries

So, you want to take a picture?  Well you had best consider these tips before you do.  Or your picture might come out looking like a dog sat on your camera.  Keep in mind these are just quick summaries and all the original tips are found here (http://tinyurl.com/4j6a5go)


Rule Of Thirds:  The rule of thirds is basically a grid that gives guidelines on where to have your subject placed.  Toproperly use the Grid (Which on some cameras is actually a visual thing)  You are advised to place your subject on the lines and/or in intersecting points on the grid.

Rule 1

Balancing Elements:  So you have two or more subjects in your picture?  Well have I got a solution.  Basically you have to balance the subjects “Weight” on the sides of the picture and not in the center.

Rule 2

Leading Lines:  The human eye is trained to stare at lines before anywhere else.  In photo, be sure to have your subject and any points of interest near lines.

Rule 3  

Symmetry and Patterns:  symmetry and patterns are a key point of interest and keep the OCD people contained.

Rule 4

Viewpoint:  A high or low viewpoint can make a scene beautiful.  If you can’t get the shot at ground level.  ELEVATE yourself

Rule 5

Background: The background in your photo can have multiple effects.  It can make the image pop, or it can drown it out in the scenery or blankness of the background.  

Rule 6

Depth: The depth of your photo is how far it goes back, for large scenes like the wilderness, having an area with a large depth of field can be very important,

Rule 7

Framing: For your photo, using the wilderness as a natural frame can make just about any scene amazing, you can try and use the trees around a pond, or the tigers next to the prey.

Rule 8

Cropping: If your photo is too wide and you aren’t able to focus the key point, crop it down so that it focuses your subject.

Rule 9

Experimentation: When taking pictures be sure to take multiple and then go back and delete unwanted ones until you get the shot you were looking for from the start.


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