This is My First Blog EVER
Hi, welcome to my blog, visitor. My name is Michael. I’m shy at school. But if I’m somewhere else I talk a lot. My sister say that I’m annoying and when I’m a school people tell me that I’m shy. So I’m both, shy and I talk a lot. My birthday is at new year eve, which stinks. I’m also going to be 10.
Now I’m going to talk about my family. I have two sisters, one is one year old and the other is in sixth grade I’m also the only son. My Dad has five brother and three sisters I think and one brother is In the army. I think my Mom has four sisters and I know she has three brothers. My grandparents came from Los. They came from Los because of the venom war.
I’ll tell you the way they do our culture. They will do a sacrifice and get a animal not a person. We will cook a pig, goat, or a cow, or maybe all. But we mostly eat pig because cow coast to much and I won’t eat goat. We will also eat chicken. My culture also believe in spirits.
Anyway I like to read because that’s the only thing I can do unless we go camping, fishing, hunting, or school. The the kinds of book I like are when a person tell about their life or they write in a book like “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”, or “Diary of a Minecraft Zombie”, and “Dorks Diary” (only because that’s the only book I can read).But I also like mystery books like a book where there are ten people and they are in their old house and they have treasure and it goes missing. More like a detective book. I also want to be funny and less shy. Also our house Is a home to spiders, ants, rats, mice, and other nasty bugs.
Now it’s time to talk about my interest. My favorite animal is the wolf. I like how they work in a team and how they hunt, also I like dogs. I don’t know why I don’t like lions though. I like the cheetah to. It is the fastest land animal. But in my opinion I think the wolf will win in a race. Also, I like pokemon. I have like hundred pokemon cards. My favorite pokemon is ash greninja. He is a human sized frog and he/she (yes it can be a girl or a boy) is what it sounds like. It is a human sized ninja frog. I also like riddles and brain teasers, since I like them here is one,“what comes once a year, two times a week, but never in a day.” If you can’t figure that one out then show them to you friends. A lot of people (probably everyone at school I know) don’t know that I like anime. DO NOT TELL ANYONE. The type of anime I like is where there are fightin, pokemon, or war.
Now that’s out of the way I’ll talk about what I don’t like. For me I don’t like the way Elk Growth is. I like the way New York is, where you just walk. For Elk Growth you just drive, maybe you will walk a mile or two to go to the store, but mostly driving. Also I don’t like all of the safety for here. I know that it’s important, but for Korea they are fair and if you don’t know how to speak Korean and you need to give money to do something, you can put money on your hand and they will take the right amount. But for America they will take whatever they want if you do that, maybe not everyone will do that, but most. The thing that I don’t like the most is fighting, war, or anything that will involve hitting. Why can’t we make peace or just talk. Maybe they can just do chest or just make a deal, the thing is why do they need to fight about everything. I also don’t like the modern world. I like the old days better. Without these cool gadgets. Some technology, like the car or the cell phone, is a gadget that I will like only because it is an important gadgets. Also on weekends I like to read, study, sleep, stay on my bed but not sleep,and ride my bike. Well, until next time.