
Mrs. Stovall’s Patriots

Mrs. Stovall’s class put on a passionate patriotic performance tonight. Way to go!

Celebrate Parents

Celebrate Parents

One reason our school is as Awesome as it is is because of our parent volunteers. On Friday, we celebrated… read more

Gold Dust or Bust

Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Field present their Awesome classes and their rendition of “Gold Dust or Bust”. It’s a great… read more

Shade Structure is Complete

Shade Structure is Complete

On Tuesday, a final inspection of our shade structure was done. The structure is now complete and looks awesome. We… read more

Construction at Stone Lake

Construction at Stone Lake

Our shade structure for our kinder playground is coming along. Concrete was poured around the posts today. Next, comes a… read more

Multicultural Faire Fiesta

Multicultural Faire Fiesta

Friday night was a fabulous night of food and entertainment. A Mariachi band played as people ate, and entertainment in… read more

Apex Part II

Apex Part II

Our A and B track students experienced an Apex rally today, and it was awesome! Now they will work to… read more

Alliance Redwoods 2015

Alliance Redwoods 2015

Our sixth graders enjoyed day two at Alliance Redwoods. Students were zip lining, hiking and having a great time. Day… read more

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