I’m Back and So Are WATCH D.O.G.S.
With Facebook being so easy, I have neglected the blog. I will try to make sure to add more content…. read more

Grandparents Day
Yesterday our A and B Track second graders celebrated our grandparents. As usual, it was an Awesome celebration of those… read more

Social Media Safety

APEX Time!!!
Each year our Apex friends come to Stone Lake they bring excitement, fun, energy, and a great message. This year… read more

First HAWKS Party
Today we celebrated our first group of HAWKS. Each month we collect all of the blue tickets that students receive,… read more

Stone Lake 6th Graders are Honors Ready
This information is very encouraging to see the numbers of Stone Lake students taking Honors classes in the middle school. … read more
First Day
Year five for me at Stone Lake, and I couldn’t sleep last night in anticipation of another school year. We’re… read more

The Work Continues…
So the work continues on our MP room and shade structure. They are doing a four step process on all… read more

MP Room and Shade Structure
I must say that it has taken a while, but we are finally getting the MP room and the shade… read more