The Work Continues…

So the work continues on our MP room and shade structure.  They are doing a four step process on all structures.  First, obviously a thorough cleaning of all structures.  Next, they are applying a primer coat.  Then they are applying a slightly rubberized coat of paint to help seal both structures as over this past winter rain soaked through the cinder blocks into the MP room.  Lastly, they are applying one final coat of paint.  The MP room will be a beige color similar to the color of our other buildings.  The shade structure will be more of a gray color similar to the color of our gate system at our school.  The posts will be painted blue, as will the doors.

I’m excited for the progress, and our students will see a big change when they return from break.

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One Response

  1. Smith Family at |

    How exciting!!! It will look really nice when done. 🙂


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