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Spirit Week at LC

Homecoming Rally.

Near & Dear

The person I chose for this near and dear assignment is my mom. I chose her because she is my inspiration. She is always there for me when I need her and she’s the one who made me who I am today. Without her, I wouldn’t be in this world. Sure we might argue sometimes or have misunderstandings but I love her to death. I don’t show it often but I really am proud of her and I appreciate everything she does for our family. I am thankful for having her as a parent and I couldn’t ask for a better mom than her.

Window Light



My cousin on Halloween dressed up as Iron Man.

My Special Place

I chose my bed as my special place because in my bed, I could just relax and listen to music and do my favorite thing to do: reading. When I’m in my bed, I just sleep and forget whatever that was happening in the world for a little while and when I wake up, it’s back to reality again. I feel like my bed is the place to be in whenever i’m not feeling okay and I can go there anytime to think clearly. Also, staying in bed really relieves stress from school and it is a place where I can be alone and hear myself think. Lastly, aside from home, it’s kind of my personal space where I could be myself and do whatever I want.

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