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Activist Research

Activism Research

1.  Harvey Milk was a gay rights activist. He was one of the first openly gay officials to have a position in American Politics. He was responsible for passing gay rights in San Francisco. He also promoted making government responsive to individuals, gay liberation, and the importance of neighborhoods to the city.

Vandana Shiva is an environmental activist and anti-globalization author. She promoted biodiversity in agriculture in order to increase productivity, nutrition, farmer’s incomes and climate resilience. She is also a voice for the seed freedom – patents on seeds. She has received many awards and recognitions and has published more than 20 books.

Jeff Bridges is an actor and musician but he is also an activist to stop world hunger all around the world. He founded the End Hunger Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to feeding children. He is also a spokesperson for the No Kid Hungry campaign to end hunger in America

2. Some causes of activism that interest me are for gay rights, environmental, and anti-hunger. The activists I listed above are spokespersons for the social issues I feel passionate about. Other causes of activism that I find interesting were for education and also providing clean water or building wells in Africa. These causes inspire me to do better, try contributing to these causes and raising awareness, and be thankful for what I have.

Random Act of Kindness

This week is Random Act of Kindness in campus. There were papers posted all around campus that had compliments on them. It says “Take one or give it to somebody who needs one.” I thought that that was sweet and little things like that can make somebody else’s day. I gave a compliment to my friend and it made her smile and it made me smile as well. It just goes to show that kindness brings happiness and that’s something you can’t buy.


New Year’s Resolution

My first goal for this year is to exercise. I know, typical. But I never get around to doing it and hopefully I will accomplish it this year and be able to be active and be fit. My other goal for this year is to read and collect novels because I like to read fiction. Rather than having E-books, it’s nice to have a hard copy of the book because I appreciate it more and I like the smell of new books and its pages.

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Making Pinholes

Materials: box where light can’t pass through, xacto knife/pin, tape, and photo paper.

Step 1 : Gather box and make sure light won’t pass through. Paint it black if necessary.

Step 2 : Make a little hole pin in the middle of the lid. You can also cut out a little square and make the hole with tin foil.

Step 3: Make shutter with tape. (Optional)

Step 4: Load photo paper and secure with tape on the back.


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