Photo Essay – Paintings




My photo essay is on my mom’s paintings. She started getting into painting last year and she has over thirty paintings done. It has become her hobby. They are displayed all around the house – in her room, my room, the office, and even the bathroom. Our wall is mostly white so the paintings add a lot of color and it makes it cozier and feels really personalized. My mom started to collect different types of brushes, different kinds of paint, and all accessories necessary for painting. She even bought a book about it! Sometimes, she watches YouTube tutorials for tips and techniques because you can pretty much learn everything from there!


I used to think that painting was easy but it’s really not. My mom takes at least three days to get one painting done. It is very time consuming because it requires precision and you really have to plan out what you want to do before you actually start painting. She takes a lot of time editing and fixing little details. The process itself takes time but you will be very happy with the results. My mom’s paintings come from images she sees online or something she sees outside of the house. They are mostly landscapes and still life. My mom said it is difficult for her to draw faces so she does not paint people and portraits. She is trying but it is not working out for her.


Even I did some paintings just for fun and it is ironic because the paintings I did were both portraits of people. I am not a professional artist but I can be creative and I may have a little talent for art. At least, I like to think so. I like Art. It is a form of self-expression and nobody can tell you what to do and what not to do and I think that it is beautiful. The paintings posted in my room were by my mom and I love it so much because it is very near and dear to my heart. The first painting is a picture of my favorite food, which are sweets. There are cupcakes, cake, and macarons! Every time I look at it, it makes me really hungry. The other one is a portrait of our dog that recently passed away and it reminds me of him. He was such a cute and sweet dog and I miss him so much.


My mom also paints to give as gifts to family and other relatives. It is very personal and it is just thoughtful to give something that you made because it’s the thought that counts. Although, she said that she feels attached to her paintings and it is kind of hard to let go of them. It takes a while for her to get over it though. She also said that painting can make you feel relaxed and it is like a recreational activity that requires focus.


Every time she asks me what I think of her painting, I always say it is “okay” because I do not want her to get a big head. Kidding aside, I am very proud of her paintings and I like them a lot. She did not take any classes or anything. She is self-taught, through lots of practice; she has improved her skills, technique, and talent. Since I had Art class last year, I told her some things my teacher taught me about colors, especially about the color wheel, space, perception, and many more.

MarinasCPhotoEssay12 MarinasCPhotoEssay5 Paint of different colors and kinds.








MarinasCPhotoEssay7 MarinasCPhotoEssay11Different types of brushes.








Book on how to use acrylic paint











MarinasCPhotoEssay2My mom’s easel.








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My mom’s paintings hung all over her bedroom wall.

MarinasCPhotoEssay1Paintings posted in my room.






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My own attempts at painting.


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