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Want to know what it is like to be enrolled in an academy or pathway? Check out this video, produced by the students at Pleasant Grove High School’s Digital Media Academy!

Hear from real academy students and teachers and get an in depth look at the types of projects you will get to work on. To learn about all of the available academies and pathways Elk Grove Unified School District has to offer, visit

The Time to Plan for Your Future is Now!

IMG_6956Join us for our Elk Grove Unified School District’s second annual Map Your Future: K-12 Career Pathways Exposition on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The event will feature 14 of California’s industry sectors, local community and business partners as well as post-secondary education providers in area. Industries will  include agriculture and natural resources, energy environment and utilities, engineering and architecture, health science and medical technology, information and communication technologies, and manufacturing and product development.  These industries have been identified by Elk Grove and Sacramento leaders as having the greatest potential for growth. For more details on each industry, visit the Industry Sectors page.

“Map Your Future gives students and their parents a chance to explore our District’s many career academies and pathways and the corresponding employment opportunities and industries in our community,”

– Kathy Hamilton, Director of College and Career Options

Students at the 2013 Map Your Future Event

At the event, current and former EGUSD career academy and pathway students, will be available to speak with and answer questions from students and parents.  Teachers, counselors and school and district administrators also will be on hand to answer questions and offer guidance on applying for an EGUSD academy or pathway.  Representatives from post-secondary educational institutions also will be available to provide information about how EGUSD’s career academies and pathways connect with college and business partners will be on hand to offer insight into the local labor market.

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