This is a very important subject to me because I am a teenage girl. I see a lot of my peers getting pregnant at such a young age and it is effecting more people then they think. It is something that needs to be stopped.
1. 3 in 10 girls get pregnant before 20.
2. Parenthood is the leading reason teenagers dropout.
3. 25% of teen moms have a second child in a year.
4. less then 2% of teen moms earn a college degree by 30.
5.U.S. has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the western world.
6. In 2008 pregnancy rates among black and mexican girs to 15-19 were over 2 1/2 times white girls.
7. 8 out of 10 dads don’t marry babymamas.
8. Sexually active teens that don’t use condoms have a 90% chance of getting pregnant.
9. 50% teens never considered how pregnancy would affect heir lives.
10. Teens had fewer babies in 2010 than any other year since 1940’s.