What would my nickname be?

I need to be fast! I only have 5 minutes to write this post AND choose TWO nicknames. One for me…and one for my best friend. This is a challenge for my class given by my teacher. Ooooohhhh I have many ideas. Let me tell you a few.

For me, I think that my nickname would be wiwo or yoyo. These came from my brother’s mispronunciations of my name. I think that my best friend’s nickname should be Ali-A. This is because of a YouTuber whose name was Ali-A and is close to his name. I will not say his name. Those are the nicknames that I would choose.

Complex/Compound Sentence

Today we wrote silly complex sentences. We also learned about compound sentences. The thing that compound sentences do is that they connect two sentences using ,and ,or ,but ,so. “hehe he said but” “Stop it”. Complex sentences are a sentence that has a phrase then a comma connecting a sentence to the phrase. The phrase could be replaced by a clause. If you want an example of compound and a complex sentence here are some examples.

Complex: As the noise behind the door quieted, I went to go see what it was. Compound: I love to eat strawberries, and watermelon.

Some silly complex sentences that I wrote were: During the assembly, Liam went bananas and broke a chair! Another sentence was: Seated in front of the principal, Mr. Bentley asked what was wrong. The final one was: While sitting on top of her saddle, Ashlynn controlled her horse perfectly. These are what complex and compound sentences are.

Authority or Strength?

Strength. Authority. Which is stronger? In my opinion, authority is way stronger. But, what if we were in a world where kids were stronger, taller, and bigger than adults? Would you still treat them with respect? Would you ignore them? Let me give you my opinion on this topic.

I would obviously treat them with respect. However, there are some limits to this. If they are a random person on the street trying to use “their authority” to control me, I might just ignore them. But, if it’s a teacher, parent, school staff, or someone from a department such as the police or fire department trying to save my life, I’M GOING TO LISTEN. So that is my answer to the question,”But, what if we were in a world where kids were stronger, taller, and bigger than adults? Would you still treat them with respect?”


“I found a wallet…$100, $200, $300, $400…with SO MUCH cash!” I would be really excited if I found a wallet with a LOT of money. But, would I do the right thing and return it or turn it in? Or will I try to steal it and be sneaky. So, I know what I want to do. However, it’s not the right thing. So let me tell you what I would do.

What I would want to do is take the money. If the wallet has hundreds or thousands of dollars I’d obviously be tempted to steal it, but… that’s not the right thing.

So what I WOULD do is that I would return the wallet to someone with authority in finding the person that the wallet belongs to. I might also try to find the person that it belongs to myself. However. What if the wallet had no ID? What would I do then? I might take some of the money and then turn it in. But that’s a different question.


I just want to grow up and be an adult already… and change diapers and have to buy new tires every time they break. Sike! I want to be a child for all my life and i’m in no rush to grow up. What does it mean to grow up to me? Why? Let me tell you more.

I want to be a kid all of my life because I don’t want all the responsibilities of an adult. I don’t want to grow up AT ALL! To grow up means to mature and get older and pass through the grades and schools along the way. I don’t want to deal with all of the things that adults deal with.


What if I gave the tea about me…to one of my friends? Would they still want me as a friend? Would they stick around? Would they like me more? I know my friends, and to me this is a clear answer. Let me tell you what I think.

I think that they would still be my friend. Actually, I know they would. I know because I technically already do it. Obviously not everything but I tell them some of the stuff. And they tolerate me just fine.

BONUS: An embarrassing moment that I had was that one time I went to my grandmas house and all I had were cars and little baby toys. (I was 7 and my brother was 1.) My grandma noticed I was bored and asked me if I wanted to go get a ps4. I was a spoiled little kid at the time so of course I say yes. 30 minutes later… im at their house connecting the PlayStation to the tv with my grandma.

Why do I have to BE SO CLEAN!?!?

Clean your stuff! Take a shower! “Mom let me nap!” Sometimes I won’t clean my room, or pick up the dog poop. But, I’m clean for the most part…right? Still, I don’t know why parents are so fixated on being clean. If you’re also confused…u.. um, let me think a little bit so I can give you an answer.

Ooh, I got it. I think that they are fixated on cleanliness because they might have got the same treatment when they were younger. Or, maybe their environment is cleaner than yours. Or… you’re just doing a bad job at keeping your things cleaned up. However maybe you don’t agree with me, if you don’t, tell me what you think and comment on this post.


Clothing. This is something that we buy and wear on a daily basis. Clothes help us show who we are. However, what if nobody cared about what you wore? Would you change your outfit? Would you want to wear a uniform to school everyday? Or would you want to wear anything? Let’s dive into this question!

I would rather have casual clothes over having to wear a uniform.  I chose this because wearing a uniform everyday can be tedious and annoying. This can be annoying because you have to wash it all the time. You also have to be extra careful with it to not ruin the uniform. You would have to take it off as soon as you get home.

The benefit about casual clothes is that you don’t have to wear the same thing everyday and have no difference than the rest of the school. Another benefit is that it is less expensive for casual clothes. The average uniform costs up to $200!


Drawing skills. I wish i had them. I know someone who does. I wish that I was more like them. Do you have a friend that is good at something, would you want to be as good as them at that skill? Let me tell you what I would do.

I would like to take one of my friend’s drawing skills. I would like to take Alec’s drawing skills. He is REALLY good  at drawing and really detailed. He always gives me good advice for drawing certain things.

Would I steal…

Taking money from someone is legal and polite. It is a show of respect. We all know this is a foolish statement. However, what if a friend wanted to steal money from a charity we raised money for? What if he said that you wouldn’t be his friend if you didn’t steal? For me, this is the clearest answer ever.

I wouldn’t steal. I wouldn’t because I know that they are in the wrong and i’m in the right. This is going to charity which is the correct thing for the money to go to.