
Have you ever had a relative that was BADLY sick? How did you feel when they were sick? Let me tell you my experience with sickness.

One time my mom was REALLY hungover. (I don’t know if this counts but I have no other story to share) It was on the day of my cousin’s birthday and I couldn’t see her the whole day. However, she had gone to the bathroom to throw up about 5 TIMES. The only thing that she ate and drank that day was soup, Gatorade, and Pedialyte. It was scary because she was throwing up so much and I got scared.

Acting or REAL?

Would you get money for acting and be REALLY famous or would you save lives for real? Of course I wouldn’t save lives. What kind of person do you think I am. I can’t even think about how much money that is. SIKE! I’m not selfish. Of course I would save real lives. Here’s why.

I would save lives because I would because I could BECOME A LEGEND. I could save multiple lives. However, the fact that I’m ten would be insane because I would have to be saving grown people’s lives and wouldn’t have the strength to pull them. Those are the upsides and downsides of saving lives.

This is your PUNISHMENT…😠

“How dare you! Stealing candy from kids is FORBIDDEN!” What would you do if teenagers were going around your neighborhood stealing candy from kids and scaring them? If you could choose their punishment what would you make them do? (keeping it pg of course) Ooooohhhhhh I have EVIL IDEA! LET ME TELL YOU!

I would make them listen to “Baby” by Justin Bieber for 2 STRAIGHT HOURS. After that, I would make them apologies and THEN, THEY WOULD WATCH THE TELETUBBIES FOR TWO HOURS. So yes, that would be my plan.

Naps and Hairstyles…

There are things that I will never grow out of. For example, gaming. I don’t think that I’ll grow out of it anytime soon. However, what is something you did grow out of? I have a couple things I grew out of, let me tell you what it is.

There is something that I’LL NEVER do again. What is it? It was me having a Mohawk in kindergarten and first grade. Everyone said that they liked it but I HATED it. I used to think that I looked like a rock star or a cool person BUT I DIDN’T. Another thing is, NAPS! I can’t nap anymore. I don’t know why but my body won’t let me. These are things that I grew out of.


“Pffffttt, only one hundred dollars! Oh now that’s a deal, sold to the blue shirt for 300 million!” This is what the minimum amount of money is to get me to sell my most prized possession. However, how much money would someone need to pay you to get rid of your prized possession? Since I already told you above, let me tell you what it is.

My prized possession is a blue Yoshi plush. I’ve had it since I was four and slept with it ever since. It was given to me by one of my aunts nicknamed Paya. I also have a blue elephant that my grandma gave me when I was 8. It is about half my size and it is SUPER FUZZY! These are my prized possessions that you would have to pay me billions or trillions to get rid of both.


Do you want a perfect day? A day where everything is in your favor? HECK YEAH! Let me tell you what I want on this perfect day.

First, I wake up in my comfy bed. It’s a sunny Saturday. April 8th, my birthday. I wake up to breakfast in bed. The breakfast is french toast with the best syrup, scrambled eggs, bacon, and a crape. With pineapple jarito. After this, I will play basketball in my backyard.

By now it is the afternoon. Since it’s my birthday I would have a birthday party. My best friends and I would go to a trampoline park. We would have so much fun.

After this, it will be the evening, so I will have dinner. My dinner would be an A5 Wagyu with the best mashed potatoes, IN THE WORLD. With my parents obviously. (sorry if I sound like a super villain) Of course with some jaritos again, this time it will be lime.

After dinner I would watch a movie with my family then play video games with my friends. This is what would be my dream day.

Difference in actions…

At home and in public. These are two places that you will go to throughout your life. Whether it’s a store or if it’s a school classroom. However, do you act differently when you’re at home in contrast to when you’re in public? I most certainly am. Let me tell you how.

In public I am more discreet about how I act and try not to be loud. However… at home I kinda act up more than I do in public. What I mean by that is I make more jokes around my family. I’m louder… and I don’t need to be as careful about what I say. I am more… me.


Voting. It’s something that most immigrants can’t do. This is because immigrants have to take a test in order to be a citizen of America. I want this to change. I’d protest for this. My question for today is what is something that you’ll protest for that someone has gotten upset with you by? If no one has gotten upset with you, do you think that you would be strong enough to protest if this happened? Let me tell you.

No one has been upset with me, but I would protest. I would protest for my parents because they can’t vote. I want it to change. I think that all people that live in the U.S should be able to vote.


“NO! We can’t be friends! You’re lying about me!” What happened? I had a friend that was saying mean things about me and lying behind my back. (Not really but you get the point) What would you do if your friend was lying about people? Saying mean things about a person, or maybe even you. Would you stay friends or would you stop being friends? What would I do? Let me tell you. I promise I wont lie!

I would probably stand up for the person that was being lied about and tell them that that is not very nice. Oh but if I was the person they were lying about, I would cut the rope to the friendship in half. I don’t care if they apologize because they should.

Cut The Rope designs, themes, templates and downloadable graphic elements  on Dribbble




Dear upcoming year,

There were a lot of problems with 2022. There was a war between Russia and Ukraine. I want to have less sickness this year. Stop COVID-19, stop RSV, stop all pandemic sicknesses. I also want to spend time with more family. SO FOR GODS SAKE STOP FLOODING! Please.

From, Lionel Meza