
Oculus Quest 2. This is something that I want. I can get sneaky and hint at it in certain ways. Do you have some tricks to get people like friends and family to get you something or do something that they don’t want to do? I sure do. Let me tell you what those tricks are.

One thing that I do is I will constantly look at pictures of it or look on ebay and will say, “Hey mom, if you don’t know what to get me *shows a picture* this is something that I really want.”

Another thing is that I will tell her the pros of it such as, “I can play this game called Gorilla Tag with all my friends because they all have it.” This is what I will do to convince my mom.

I lie all the time…

I lie all the time. I’m guessing that you do also. What was your most recent lie that you told someone? Whether it was a sibling, parent, friend, anyone. Who did you lie too? And what did you say? Let me tell you what I said.

This lie is not that bad but it was a lie I told my younger brother. He asked me, “Yoyo (that is the name he calls me) am I good at this game?” Then I said, “Yes you are.” Just to cheer him up. This was the lie I told my brother.

My hero.

Do you have a hero? Or someone you look up to? I do. That person is my dad. I have multiple reasons why its him, so let me tell you.

First off, he inspired me to play soccer. He helps me learn how to cook from time to time. He will get mad at me sometimes but heros don’t always have to be nice. He helps me work through times that i’m frustrated with. That is why my dad is a hero to me.

February? Are you sure? I think it’s FEBBREAK!

Video games. Homework. These are two things that I will do over break. Willingly or not, I will do it. There are a couple things that I will do. Let me tell you what they are.

I will possibly go to my cousin’s house. I sometimes go to my cousin’s house on break for fun. She’ll sometimes get a break too. I will be playing soccer. Obviously. These are things that I do over break.


I WANT EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD! This is me on a yes day. For those who don’t know what a yes day is, it is a day where a specific person has to buy you ANYTHING you want for 24 hours. Or a day.What would I want for one of these days? Let me tell you my shopping list on this shopping spree.

Here are some things that I would love to do in a day.

  • Rent a trampoline park for my friends and I.
  • Watch movies with my family and friends in a movie theater. I would watch Puss in Boots AGAIN.
  • Travel to Hawaii, I would go to Maui.
  • I want to play football with ALL OF MY FRIENDS!
  • If this day was warm I would go to a beach in Manzanillo, Mexico. This would be near all my cousins and relatives in Mexico.

This is what I would do on a yes day.


“You promised!” This is what I might say if my parents said that I could force them to eat any food of MY choice. What food would I choose? Is it fair for parents to force kids to eat food that the kid doesn’t want? I’m not quite sure yet, but I’ll tell you if I get an idea.

I HAVE THE PERFECT IDEA. I guess for my mom I would make her eat boxed ramen but that’s it. My dad doesn’t like this conjunction that my mom makes and I don’t either. It is oatmeal, green apples, soy milk, and chocolate granola bits. I also think that it is fair that parents can force kids to eat foods. In some cases. The reason that I say that is because what if I’m allergic, the food is old, or the food is not safe to eat in general.


Listen up. If you had a servant that was or will be your TEACHER, who would it be. If we’re my favorite teacher, the one, the only, MR. BENTLEYYYYY!!! The day will be amazing. It would involve many things that are fun. If we’re my least favorite teacher, which i’m not going to name, the day would be… boring for them at best. This is how the days would go.

First, for Mr. Bentley I would have a breakfast that is really good. I WOULD MAKE MR. BENTLEY GIVE ME HIS LENSES AND CAMERAS. We would then go to the mall and buy MANY things. After that, we would go to a place called brookfields for dinner. AFTER WE WILL HAVE ICE CREAM! EVERY ICE CREAM HAHAHAH! (ok maybe not all I will bounce off the walls and climb the ceilings.) For my least favorite teacher… ummmmm… lets just say it’s not that fun. I will make her tend to ALL the house work. They would then cook me breakfast. After that I would just not do anything and make her do anything. So that would be my day.

One of my Dumbest Actions… ت

Soccer. This is a sport. I play it. I’ve done some dumb stuff while playing soccer. One was wearing indoor shoes. On a wet field. Those who play soccer know how this ends. But for the people who don’t, let me tell you.

So indoor shoes have no grip to the floor or grass. I was playing on a newly wet field and I went for a corner kick. I ran up to the ball and, BANG! I fell on the floor and hit myself. I still hit the ball though. After falling I just embraced it. I just laid on the floor and started contemplating my soccer skills. Only for a few seconds because I had to defend. ( ͡❛ ⍨ ͡❛)

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THE AWARD GOES TOO… ( ͡❛ ₒ ͡❛)

“The award goes too… wait… is this the wrong card? No? Okay, once again the award goes to OMG BRUH!” This is my favorite word. If I had to choose a word to give an award to what word would it be? EASY. It would be omg bruh. Here’s why it’s my favorite word.

This is my favorite word because of how much I use it. Whether i’m gaming, frustrated, or just playing around. I. Will. Use. It. I’m not sure why I just do. So that’s why it is my favorite word of all time. OMG BRUH!


Compliments… they make me nervous when I hear one come my way. But they feel good to say. (HEY THAT RHYMED) But if I had to choose a compliment that someone else will say to ME, which one will feel the best to hear? I don’t really like compliments buuuut I guess I’ll choose one.

“Good kick Lio!” I like this compliment. When I play soccer (fútbol) the parent will say this when I do a REALLY big kick. I don’t know why I like this compliment so much I just feel like I actually did something when they say that. Especially because I play defense and midfielder so I sometimes don’t get a chance to shoot the ball. The best part about it is that it makes me feel really good.