“GOAL! YESSSS! WERE GOING TO THE FINAL!” “*whistle* Offside. WHAT.” Some people snap at others when angry. Some people are better at controlling their temper than others. I have once wanted to tell someone something in a voice that is not so nice. But, sometimes I can contain it. How do you control your anger? Do you think you get over it better by yelling or screaming? Let me tell you what I do and where I’ve done it.

There have been some referees in soccer that I’ve wanted to tell to get a new pair of eyes. Glasses even. They made ALL the wrong calls. They said someone was offside when they were on OUR HALF. Instead of screaming, I went to my teammate and expressed my anger with him. What I did to handle my anger was hold it in and express my anger quietly to someone else. I feel that expressing my feelings is a good way for me to control my temper.