I lied..

Lying. It means to say something that is not true. Lying is also bad. However, we’ve all done it, and I had a case where I lied. It involved an online game. This lie got my parents pretty mad. So let me tell you what happened.

First things first, I was playing mine craft with some friends and these friends were not the problem. Neither was the game. We were just building houses to live in and then a player by the name of Soccer joins. Me and Soccer were already not the greatest of friends because of previous incidents and my parents did not like me playing with him. After he joined, I went to ask my dad if he was fine with me playing with him. My dad said no at first, and then I asked if he was fine with me playing, as long as I muted him. He said yes and then I went and muted him. We were playing for a while and I was just talking to my other friends. Until, I needed a material for my build that only he had. I unmuted him to ask for the material. He gave it to me and we carried on playing. However, I forgot to mute him again. So when my parents walked in and heard him, they asked me, “why are you talking to him?” I tried making lying saying that my dad said I could talk to him. My dad knew I was lying. They both just walked away, I broke in tears, I had to turn of the game. I learned that lying is not good in that exact moment.

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