
Fun. Fun is a noun. Fun is when you enjoy doing something without hurting someone’s feeling or hurting them physically. I would have so much fun if I was invisible. What would I do if I was invisible? Let me tell you.

The first thing that I would have to do if I was invisible is that I would have to prank my mom. what I would do to prank my mom is that I would take her blanket when she is sleeping. Then, I would wake her up and she will be so confused because no one is there. Next, I could turn on the tv, turn the volume all the way up, and I would lift the remote in the air. My mom would be getting freaked out!

The final thing that I would do is, that I will mess with my brother. what I would do is that I would tickle him sometimes. My mom will ask him why he’s laughing. He would look so funny and say, “I don’t know!”

Those are the things that I would do if I was invisible.

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