Complex/Compound Sentence

Today we wrote silly complex sentences. We also learned about compound sentences. The thing that compound sentences do is that they connect two sentences using ,and ,or ,but ,so. “hehe he said but” “Stop it”. Complex sentences are a sentence that has a phrase then a comma connecting a sentence to the phrase. The phrase could be replaced by a clause. If you want an example of compound and a complex sentence here are some examples.

Complex: As the noise behind the door quieted, I went to go see what it was. Compound: I love to eat strawberries, and watermelon.

Some silly complex sentences that I wrote were: During the assembly, Liam went bananas and broke a chair! Another sentence was: Seated in front of the principal, Mr. Bentley asked what was wrong. The final one was: While sitting on top of her saddle, Ashlynn controlled her horse perfectly. These are what complex and compound sentences are.

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