What if I gave the tea about me…to one of my friends? Would they still want me as a friend? Would they stick around? Would they like me more? I know my friends, and to me this is a clear answer. Let me tell you what I think.

I think that they would still be my friend. Actually, I know they would. I know because I technically already do it. Obviously not everything but I tell them some of the stuff. And they tolerate me just fine.

BONUS: An embarrassing moment that I had was that one time I went to my grandmas house and all I had were cars and little baby toys. (I was 7 and my brother was 1.) My grandma noticed I was bored and asked me if I wanted to go get a ps4. I was a spoiled little kid at the time so of course I say yes. 30 minutes later… im at their house connecting the PlayStation to the tv with my grandma.

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