Today we went to the California State Museum in Sacramento, California. By we I mean my classmates and I. Have you ever gone to a museum? If you have, you may relate to this experience a little bit. However, this museum is special… this is a museum about WWII Japanese-American internment. But there is a little bit more to it. Let me talk a little bit to you about the experience.

There was a room FILLED with different kinds of pelts. This room is about Native-Americans and their history. There were arrows and all different kinds of weapons that were used. Even chisels that were used for the missions.

(BTW the paragraphs are going too be short because I need to sum all of this up fast)

There was also a floor with a ton of pictures and shrines for women’s history month. Including some soccer players.

We also found a ton of different games that they didn’t let us play : ( . There was also an ai that was kinda dumb. Whenever we said something to it it would think something completely different.

If you want to learn more click on this link.

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