I lie all the time…

I lie all the time. I’m guessing that you do also. What was your most recent lie that you told someone? Whether it was a sibling, parent, friend, anyone. Who did you lie too? And what did you say? Let me tell you what I said.

This lie is not that bad but it was a lie I told my younger brother. He asked me, “Yoyo (that is the name he calls me) am I good at this game?” Then I said, “Yes you are.” Just to cheer him up. This was the lie I told my brother.

My hero.

Do you have a hero? Or someone you look up to? I do. That person is my dad. I have multiple reasons why its him, so let me tell you.

First off, he inspired me to play soccer. He helps me learn how to cook from time to time. He will get mad at me sometimes but heros don’t always have to be nice. He helps me work through times that i’m frustrated with. That is why my dad is a hero to me.