Listen up. If you had a servant that was or will be your TEACHER, who would it be. If we’re my favorite teacher, the one, the only, MR. BENTLEYYYYY!!! The day will be amazing. It would involve many things that are fun. If we’re my least favorite teacher, which i’m not going to name, the day would be… boring for them at best. This is how the days would go.

First, for Mr. Bentley I would have a breakfast that is really good. I WOULD MAKE MR. BENTLEY GIVE ME HIS LENSES AND CAMERAS. We would then go to the mall and buy MANY things. After that, we would go to a place called brookfields for dinner. AFTER WE WILL HAVE ICE CREAM! EVERY ICE CREAM HAHAHAH! (ok maybe not all I will bounce off the walls and climb the ceilings.) For my least favorite teacher… ummmmm… lets just say it’s not that fun. I will make her tend to ALL the house work. They would then cook me breakfast. After that I would just not do anything and make her do anything. So that would be my day.

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