Loving relatives…

“I love you.” This is something that you say to your parents and other relatives. Such as younger siblings, grandparents, and some people say it to dogs. So how does it make you feel when someone says it to you? When was the last time someone said it to you? When was the last time you said it to someone? Let me tell you more on this topic.

The last time that I said I love you to someone was this morning. I said it to my mom and little brother. The last time someone said that they loved me was this morning. It was my mom and brother. These three words mean so much to me. This helps me understand that they truly love me. I feel good and happy when people tell me that they love me. And I feel the same when I speak these words.

Hello… Anybody There?

What if you were alone? Trapped for a month in your house? However you get a present after the month? And you could choose that present. No budget. Anything. From a sports car to a house to a pet. I’m pretty stumped on this question. Let me tell you why.

I’m stumped because I think that I might go on the brink of being insane. However that prize is tempting though. I would choose 3 million dollars and buy whatever I want with that. I guess in order for me not to go insane I would need a lot of entertainment. I would need a lot of books, video games, a lot of food, and a good variety of them. I would need to do this in August because there are no holidays this month. I guess what I want to say is I would try if I was able to tap out in the middle of the time. This is plan b for if I go crazy.

You have some explaining to do. 🥱🙄

“Color in the lines please!” This is something I was taught in first grade. But now that I’m older I know that for daily use, I don’t use it. Yeah it might have helped my coordination but I don’t color anymore. What is something useless that you hardly or never use? What is something that is useful and you use it all the time? Since I already talked about coloring, I’ll talk about something useful.

I will always use addition. Whether it is adding the total of groceries. Or even seeing how much I need for a party or just for daily use. That is something that I will ALWAYS use.