
“I want to start doing more exercise. In your dreams!” It’s almost Christmas and then… NEW YEAR! `Many people do new year resolutions. Resolutions are goals that you set for you to achieve in the new year. What are five new years resolutions that you have for yourself? I have a few but not all five. These are mine.

I want to spend more time with my family. I want to help more people and be nicer to others. I want to keep in touch with more people and talk to them more often. Those are all my resolutions for the new year.

Live Longer?

Living longer is important so that you can see how things change and live with more relatives. But would I take desperate measures to live longer? Would I take a shot that gave me 10 years of extra life IF I was sick for a month? This question is hard but I think that I have an answer.

I would take the shot. It is worth 10 years of HEALTHY life. I could do some fun things depending on how old I am. That is why I would take the shot.


“OMG… LOOK AT ALL THAT MOOLAH!” Is what I would say if I found a wallet full of money. Would I take it? Would I try to return it? Well… ummmm… it’s right there… I don’t know. Let me make up my mind and tell you in the next paragraph.

I wouldn’t take it. I would find the id of the person and try to return it. If i’m not able too I would be able to keep the money. Worst case scenario… I turn it into the cops. They can file a report for a missing wallet.


“Mommmm I don’t want kisses! Okay Okay, have a good day.” This is something that I would say when I was in first or second grade. But now, I want hugs and kisses because they aren’t always going to be there. But do I want my parents to hug me and kiss me more than they do already? Lets dive into this question.

I would want more hugs but not to the point where it gets annoying. The reason that I say that it might get annoying is that my parents won’t let go when I want them too. I already give my parents a lot of hugs but I could take some more. That is why I would want MORE HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY PARENTS.


“Do I really have to? No but it’s not that bad.” I might ask this question if someone was telling me to eat a worm sandwich for a heavy reward. I could meet any athletic team or any superstar ever. It goes from musicians to TV show hosts. For me I have one answer. Let me tell you the answer.

I wouldn’t eat the sandwich. I don’t really want to go through the pain for 1 hour or so with a celebrity who wont remember me. I don’t really need to meet any celebrities. That’s why I wouldn’t eat the sandwich.

Scary Excitement…

“I dare you to go on this ride with me.” This is what my mom told me when we went to six flags. I gave in and went with her. I did that because I thought that I would be a wimp if I didn’t. I was very wrong. What was the most scary or funny thing that you have been dared to do? Did you do it? Did you enjoy it or did you dislike it? Let me tell you my experience of the ride.

First of all, this ride had to have been the older brother of the teacups ride. It had the same mechanics, just eight times as speedy. I was so scared and the worst part about it is that MY BROTHER WENT AND WAS MORE CALM AND COLLECTED THEN ME! Guess where my dad was. Outside because he was too scared. I thought that I was going to throw up, but luckily I didn’t.

Older or Younger…

“Mom why do I have to babysit them!? It’s your little cousins, don’t be so rude!” If I had to choose between two different age groups to hang out with, who would I choose? One group is older than me. The other is younger. So who would I hang out with? I have an answer that is MY preference. So lets see if the baby starts crying after I tell you my answer.

I would want to hang out with kids that are older than me. As long as I know them. I wouldn’t want to hang out with kids that are younger than me because I will feel like i’m baby sitting and I would get bored really quickly. That is why I wont hang out with younger kids.


“You act the exact same as your dad.” How do you react when someone says this? Does it make you feel proud? Mad? Awkward? It can make you feel very different depending on what type of person that your dad is. Or whoever the person is comparing you to. I know exactly how I react so, let me tell you.

Whenever someone says this I am very awkward. I am always confused on why they bring that up mid conversation. Or they will just say that I look like my dad when I look nothing like him. So yeah that is how I react.


There are many things to growing up. Such as getting taller and having to learn more things. But what is the worst thing about growing up? I think that I have an answer to that. But everyone’s opinion is different. Here’s mine.

I think that the responsibilities that I get as I grow up get harder and harder as I get older. I started with no chores. Now I have 4 chores. I have to pick up dog poop which is disgusting 🤢. Then I have to wash and dry my clothes. Then I make my lunch for school. I also have to vacuum. On top of all of that I still play soccer and I’m going to try basketball. So that is the hardest thing about growing up.

Stealing and Borrowing…

Borrowing and stealing are two completely different things. Stealing is when you take something that is not yours and keep it. Borrowing is taking something that is not yours and giving it back. Borrowing is not a crime. Stealing is. What was the time that you stole something? And what time did you borrow something? When is it okay? Lets dive into this question, and hopefully I don’t go to jail!

There are certain times where it is okay to take something from others without asking. I once “borrowed” my dad’s phone. I hid in my room and played games. He was still awake and I hid it under my pillow. He started tearing up my bed trying to find it. He found it eventually and I didn’t get in trouble. Luckily.