Talking for hours. Losing all your air and rolling on the floor laughing. Those are things you do with a friend. But not just any friend. A BEST friend. That best friend happens to be Alec. I can’t imagine my life without him. If I had to move away from my best friend I would quite literally cry. Let me tell you some things we have in common.

One thing is that we both LOVE video games. We play all the time together and we have a lot of fun. Another thing is that we both play and love soccer. The Saturday that just passed we saw each other at a game. So in conclusion, that’s my best friend.

Save and become a legend, or survive…

Sacrifice. This means to give up something for a good reason. If we were going on a field trip and got in a bus crash, would I sacrifice my life to try and save the other people. Or would I just save myself and not them. I have an idea that might work to save some people. So buckle up for what i’m about to say!

One idea that might work is saving one person and creating a train. What I mean is that you save one person, they save someone, then they save someone and that continues until everyone is out.

Are you proud?

What is something that you are proud of that you have accomplished in life. I know something that i’m proud of. This thing that i’m proud of is called G.A.T.E. If you are confused and don’t know what G.A.T.E. is, let me tell you.

G.A.T.E. stands for Gifted and Talented Education. The reason that i’m proud to get into G.A.T.E. because you need to have an iq of AT LEAST 130. And only a certain percentage of people who take the test make it in. I also can’t really think of what else could top this achievement as of right now.


Taking food deserves a punishment as equal and cruel as LIFE IN JAIL! But, that is only if you take mine… I shouldn’t be punished for taking your food. You might be reading what I just said and be confused and mad saying, ” Why don’t YOU GET PUNISHED. That is besides the point. The more important part is that the question that i’m answering today is what acts should children be punished for and is there a certain age that they no longer should be punished. Lets jump into this and hopefully I don’t get punished for what i’m about to say.

I think that the level of punishments should be more or less depending on the level of how severe the thing that they did was. Lets say that they snuck out of the house. I think that the punishment should be a decently severe punishment. Like grounding them for a few weeks. Meaning that they can’t leave the house to see their friends. If they beat someone up or bullied someone I would give a terribly severe punishment. I would take all their electronics for 3 weeks. They won’t be able to leave the house unless they are given permission. I would also give them extra chores for a week. So as I said, I would scale the punishments.

There should also be a limit of age that they can be punished for. I think that age should be between 25 and 40.