
Some people make you feel guilty about things. Whether it is taking food or being late to something, you can feel guilty in a lot of ways. But it’s not a good feeling. However, do you feel guilty often? Do people make you feel guilty often? Let me tell you my situation.

If you want me to be straight forward and to the point, I’ve felt guilty so many times. For example, one time my dad and I went to the soccer field to practice soccer. I took my crocs and changed into my cleats there. We did the usual practice like drills and shots and then we left. However, before we left, we made sure to pick everything up. And we did. Except for my crocs. Someone went and picked them up. When we went to look for them. Nothing. I felt so guilty that I had lost something that was about 30 dollars. That is something that makes me feel guilty. Losing something that cost a bit of $$$ to get.

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