“GOAL! YESSSS! WERE GOING TO THE FINAL!” “*whistle* Offside. WHAT.” Some people snap at others when angry. Some people are better at controlling their temper than others. I have once wanted to tell someone something in a voice that is not so nice. But, sometimes I can contain it. How do you control your anger? Do you think you get over it better by yelling or screaming? Let me tell you what I do and where I’ve done it.

There have been some referees in soccer that I’ve wanted to tell to get a new pair of eyes. Glasses even. They made ALL the wrong calls. They said someone was offside when they were on OUR HALF. Instead of screaming, I went to my teammate and expressed my anger with him. What I did to handle my anger was hold it in and express my anger quietly to someone else. I feel that expressing my feelings is a good way for me to control my temper.


“I am so dumb! I’m never doing this again!” This is what I said after doing something dumb while learning to ride a bike. It hurt a lot and I wasn’t very motivated after my parents laughed at me. What did I do you might ask? Let me tell you my “scary” instance.

So I was learning to ride my bike around my neighborhood. My parents were helping me learn and they told me to just go try it after they told me the steps. I tried and… BAM! I ran right into a truck parked there. I was FURIOUS. But I tried to go just ONE MORE TIME and something even worse happened. I tried. I was feeling good. Then I lost control, panicked, and GONG. That’s all you heard. I hit my bike… INTO A POLE.

Bonus story: Once I was staying the night at my grandparents’ house and I went outside with my uncle who had a pit-bull. His name was Tank. I was 5 or 6 at the time. I went to help him feed him. As soon as I went to go into the corner where my uncle had some junk and the food. On my way there I got pounced on. All of a sudden, I had a 150 pound dog that was two times my size, pinning me to a wall. I thought that was it. It was going to bite me and I would soon be ASCENDING to the heavens. All though, nothing happened and my uncle helped me get him off. It was still very scary.

The thing that I learned from these experiences is don’t run into a pole and don’t corner yourself with a pit-bull. Especially outside.


“We are playing this game! This game is for us and us only!” This is something that a bully could say to you to make you feel bad. However, would you feel bad if the bully was smaller than you? What if he was bigger than you and physically stronger than you? Personally, I would do the same thing for both bullies. Big or small. So let me tell you what I would do.

I would get an adult with more responsibility and authority. This would help me faster and with less risk. If I tried to take on a bully, I would get beat up REALLY QUICKLY. Even if it was someone that was little, I don’t want to get into a fight or any trouble with the bully or the principal.


Some people make you feel guilty about things. Whether it is taking food or being late to something, you can feel guilty in a lot of ways. But it’s not a good feeling. However, do you feel guilty often? Do people make you feel guilty often? Let me tell you my situation.

If you want me to be straight forward and to the point, I’ve felt guilty so many times. For example, one time my dad and I went to the soccer field to practice soccer. I took my crocs and changed into my cleats there. We did the usual practice like drills and shots and then we left. However, before we left, we made sure to pick everything up. And we did. Except for my crocs. Someone went and picked them up. When we went to look for them. Nothing. I felt so guilty that I had lost something that was about 30 dollars. That is something that makes me feel guilty. Losing something that cost a bit of $$$ to get.

Gifts and Surprises…

Surprised. Shocked. When you get a surprise for your birthday this is how you might feel. But what if you never got that feeling for your birthday again… no surprise gifts. Just a party. But in return you can get anything that you want if you just ask for it. I don’t know what you will pick, but I have to say no surprises. Let me tell you.

I would choose this because there is so much stuff that I have wanted in life that I can’t get. For example I’ve always wanted a phone. My parents won’t get me one because they think that I will be glued to the screen.

How to avoid 'smartphone pinkie' and other pains from being glued to your  phone | The Seattle Times

Another thing that my parents won’t let me get until I’m TWELVE is a tv in my room. They won’t let me because I will apparently, “never leave the room.”


Who would I trust to know everything about me? What about if they knew all of my thoughts? Frankly, I wouldn’t trust my best friend who I sometimes trust more than my parents. He might be able to see everything about me but not everything I think. Let me tell you why.

The reason that I wouldn’t let him hear all of my thoughts is because i have some intrusive thoughts. I will just be sitting down and I will just think, “If I were to jump off a bridge, would I die or be BADLY damaged.” Or, “If someone broke in, where would I hide?” So, I wouldn’t let them hear what I think.

TV is not always real!

Have you ever been watching TV and seen someones “life”? Have you ever wanted to live the same life as the person in the movie? Well I have news for you. 9 times out of 10, it’s fake! So, what are the differences between movies and real life? Let me tell you.

One difference between real life and movies is that every part of the movie is staged. From clothes and makeup. To their every action and move. For example, Home Alone. Do you think that you would have enough time to set up traps such as, heating the doorknob, paint falling contraption, and ice the steps to the door. As I said. It. Is. All. FAKE.

This is so boooooring…

What is the most boring thing that you have ever done that you absolutely DREAD to do. Would you do that thing for 8 hours every day for a week in order to celebrate your birthday twice. I would. Let me tell you why.

First of all, the most boring thing I ever had to do was go to the dealership with my mom and wait for 3-4 hours for the car. So, would I do this for all that time. Yes I would. The reason is that I love having my birthday celebrated. I have a lot of fun with my friends on my birthday. So I would do this boring thing in order for an extra celebration.

First Hand Embarrassment…

What would you do if someone got embarrassed in front of a HUGE crowd? Would you laugh with the group? Or would you go and help the person and stand up for them? I know exactly what I would do right now, but in a younger grade I might have said something else. Let me explain.

Right now I will go help the person that was embarrassed and tell the bully how rude that was. However, when I was in Kindergarten I might have laughed because I didn’t know any better.


If you could be the richest person ON EARTH, would you take the money? You might be saying, “that choice is obvious i’m going to take the money.” How about if your parents are always fighting and ignoring you? But if you were poor you would have parents that love you. Would you choose it? I know what I will choose.

I will choose the money. You might be asking why I would choose that if I have awful parents. Don’t worry I have a plan. My plan of action is to either try to find new parents and keep the money. Or I could try to make them put me up for adoption and try to get some of the money which would still make me filthy rich.