
Clothing. This is something that we buy and wear on a daily basis. Clothes help us show who we are. However, what if nobody cared about what you wore? Would you change your outfit? Would you want to wear a uniform to school everyday? Or would you want to wear anything? Let’s dive into this question!

I would rather have casual clothes over having to wear a uniform.  I chose this because wearing a uniform everyday can be tedious and annoying. This can be annoying because you have to wash it all the time. You also have to be extra careful with it to not ruin the uniform. You would have to take it off as soon as you get home.

The benefit about casual clothes is that you don’t have to wear the same thing everyday and have no difference than the rest of the school. Another benefit is that it is less expensive for casual clothes. The average uniform costs up to $200!


Drawing skills. I wish i had them. I know someone who does. I wish that I was more like them. Do you have a friend that is good at something, would you want to be as good as them at that skill? Let me tell you what I would do.

I would like to take one of my friend’s drawing skills. I would like to take Alec’s drawing skills. He is REALLY good  at drawing and really detailed. He always gives me good advice for drawing certain things.

Would I steal…

Taking money from someone is legal and polite. It is a show of respect. We all know this is a foolish statement. However, what if a friend wanted to steal money from a charity we raised money for? What if he said that you wouldn’t be his friend if you didn’t steal? For me, this is the clearest answer ever.

I wouldn’t steal. I wouldn’t because I know that they are in the wrong and i’m in the right. This is going to charity which is the correct thing for the money to go to.

Friends or cash…🤑

You should never EVER keep a promise. Even if it is with your best friend. If what I just said is confusing to you, that is because this is incorrect. However, would you choose greed over your friends? If you were going to sell something to your friends and they offer $20. And someone else offers you $100. Would you take the deal from the other person or stay loyal to your friend? Let me tell you what I would do.

I would give my friend the item. I would choose loyalty and friendship over greed from a random person. If I already told my friend i’ll make a deal, i’m going to keep it. I’d like to make profit, but friendship is more important.

I’m… Adopted?

Adopted. Biological parents. If I was adopted and my parents didn’t tell me until now. How would I react?  Would I want to meet my biological parents? Would I be mad? Would I be surprised? To me these are all clear answers. Let me explain.

I would probably be SUPER surprised and ask them why they didn’t tell me earlier. I would not want to meet my biological parents because if she put me up for adoption she clearly wouldn’t want to meet me either. I also believe that the people that raised you are your parents or caregivers. I don’t think that I would be mad, I think that I might be a little annoyed that they didn’t tell me earlier.

That is how I think that I would react if I were adopted.

Why am I an adult?

You are not supposed to eat healthy foods. Junk food is the only option. You may be thinking that this is false information and it’s foolish. Well… that is because it is. So, if I woke up tomorrow and was 30 with 10 year old kids. How would I react? What would be my parenting style? How many kids would I want? Allow me to tell you.

If I woke up to be 30, I would be pretty startled. If I woke up to kids calling me I would be very confused because my brother is four and can’t yell loudly. I would go to a mirror and find that I actually am thirty.

I would definitely treat them nicely and try to spend as much time as possible with them. I wouldn’t be too strict unless I need to be. I would want them to be a FIFA fan and play it a lot.

The Eagle Huntress Part 2

Today we were close to finishing The Eagle Huntress. So far I would rate the movie a 8 out of 10. I like this movie a lot because there is a lot of conflict and an emotional roller coaster. The old and “wise” men are always saying that women can’t hunt. Some parts that I liked was when Aisholpan got the eagle from the side of the mountain. We didn’t get to finish so I wonder whether or not Aisholpan proves the old men wrong.

A short summary of the part we read was Aisholpan went to the side of the mountain and climbed down and got the eaglet. She then trained it for the competition with her dad. She went to the competition and won. She proved all the old men wrong.


“So you are saying that I get one wish and nothing is off limits?” This is a question that I would ask the person giving me a wish. I would be super strategic about my wish. But what would I wish for you might ask? Let me tell you.

I would wish for a genie that grants 3 wishes. After that, I will write everything that I want to come true on a piece of paper. I would then wish for everything on the paper to come true. After that I will wish for a new genie that forgot all of the rules. ( The rules were no bringing someone back from the dead, no wishing for money, and no wishing for more wishes) Then, I would get unlimited wishes and have it follow me around in case I need anything.

The Eagle Huntress Entry #1

I started watching The Eagle Huntress today in class. We started to know that the girl’s name is Aisholpan. She is the main character. She lives in Mongolia and has some siblings. She lives with them, mom, and dad.

In the movie so far, there are some interesting things going on. Something interesting is that Aisholpan’s dad is teaching her things about eagle hunting. He taught her how to feed the eagle. He taught her how to release the eagle and she helps her dad with preparing food. She goes to school in a far away place.

Click here to see the trailer.

Wait WHAT ?! ??

“WHY MY DOG!?” This is something that I might scream if I found out that our neighbor killed my dog JUST for pooping on his lawn. If this happened I would have many revenge options. However, some may not be so good. Let me tell you my plan.

First, I would see the options I could use power for. I could break their car, I could set fire to their house, and I could seek revenge by doing something to their dog. Ehhhh… nevermind those are probably crimes. Maybe I could use authority.

For authority there are legal and effective ways of revenge. For example I can call the cops and tell them that he killed my dog. I can call pest control. My parents could possibly sue them.