I lied..

Lying. It means to say something that is not true. Lying is also bad. However, we’ve all done it, and I had a case where I lied. It involved an online game. This lie got my parents pretty mad. So let me tell you what happened.

First things first, I was playing mine craft with some friends and these friends were not the problem. Neither was the game. We were just building houses to live in and then a player by the name of Soccer joins. Me and Soccer were already not the greatest of friends because of previous incidents and my parents did not like me playing with him. After he joined, I went to ask my dad if he was fine with me playing with him. My dad said no at first, and then I asked if he was fine with me playing, as long as I muted him. He said yes and then I went and muted him. We were playing for a while and I was just talking to my other friends. Until, I needed a material for my build that only he had. I unmuted him to ask for the material. He gave it to me and we carried on playing. However, I forgot to mute him again. So when my parents walked in and heard him, they asked me, “why are you talking to him?” I tried making lying saying that my dad said I could talk to him. My dad knew I was lying. They both just walked away, I broke in tears, I had to turn of the game. I learned that lying is not good in that exact moment.


Fun. Fun is a noun. Fun is when you enjoy doing something without hurting someone’s feeling or hurting them physically. I would have so much fun if I was invisible. What would I do if I was invisible? Let me tell you.

The first thing that I would have to do if I was invisible is that I would have to prank my mom. what I would do to prank my mom is that I would take her blanket when she is sleeping. Then, I would wake her up and she will be so confused because no one is there. Next, I could turn on the tv, turn the volume all the way up, and I would lift the remote in the air. My mom would be getting freaked out!

The final thing that I would do is, that I will mess with my brother. what I would do is that I would tickle him sometimes. My mom will ask him why he’s laughing. He would look so funny and say, “I don’t know!”

Those are the things that I would do if I was invisible.

Role Model✨🌟

Parents, a mother or a father. Role model, looking up to someone. Would I act differently if my brother idolized me and I was his role model? Do my parents act differently around me to set an good example? Let me tell you what I think.

If my brother idolized me then I would definitely try to make a good example. For example, if I were playing video games I would try to include him. I would do this because I would show that sharing is nice.

I also think that my parents act differently around me. I think this because if they are watching a show that has a lot of blood or is for adults, if I walk in the room to get something they will pause it.


My dad. I look up to him. The amount of reasons are endless. I could talk about him for hours. However, I can tell you a few reasons why.

My dad will always try to make time to play with me. He likes to play soccer with me. We will also sometimes play tennis at the tennis court near my house. Our favorite thing to do is play FIFA together.

My dad is also the person who got me into soccer. He is the one who helped my start kicking a ball. My dad will sometimes go to a soccer field with me and we will play soccer.

Those are all the reasons I love my dad and look up to him.

First times…🚶

Playing games with dad. My first goal in soccer. These are all thing that I wish I could see in video or photo form. Why you might ask? Allow me to tell you.

I would like to see to see these things because I hardly remember them. I want to see what team I scored my first goal on and how old I was. I would be excited to see my reaction and my teammates’ reactions.

I also miss playing video games with my dad. I remember when my dad and I would sit down in front of the TV and play FIFA and Assassin’s Creed with my dad. I would have so much fun and I miss playing those.


Work. Taxes. Politics. What do they have in common? Usually, parents are mostly involved in them. These things can all be time consuming, but worst of all. They are VERY VERY boring and they are not fun to do. I am here to fix that. I have a few ideas on what to do, so let me tell you them.

One thing that can work especially on a weekend is that you can go to a fun park. Going to a park can either relieve the stress from work, or it can be a fun activity.

You can also take a nap if you have time. Taking a nap can relax you and if you just worked out, it can help relax and recover your muscles. Napping also improves your mood. Those are some things that can relax you.


Knocking. Footsteps. Both parents are sleeping. I HAVE TO HIDE. Wait…but where? I might have a few ideas.

First I would tell my parents. Next, I would get my brother to follow me to my parents’ room. Then, I would hide in my dad’s closet. His closet is hidden to the side of his room. That is what I would do, I hope you don’t rob me.


Gross!! Looks disgusting. That is what I thought when I saw my grandma’s beans. I wanted to dispose of them sooooooo badly. You might be wondering if I did or not, allow me to tell you.

When they handed me the plate of beans I discretely begged my mom to let me throw it away. My mom kept saying,”No you’ll waste food.”

It smelt so bad and looked like vomit.

My mom then made a deal with me, she said that if I ate half of my beans, she would let me throw them away or give them to my dad. I stared at my plate of food, then back up at her, then back at my food I reluctantly took a spoonful. Then another, then another until I finally ate half of my beans. So, my trick for getting disgusting food off my plate, is making a deal with my mom.

They Forgot…

Quiet. No balloons. No music. That is what you might wake up to. Your whole family thinks it is a normal day. But in reality, it’s is your birthday. If they forgot I would feel VERY bad. I would need to get them back. But how? I have a few ideas, so get ready, it’s going to get rowdy.

One thing that i could do is give them silent treatment for the whole day. If they asked me to do my chores, I would do them wrong or not do them at all. I would also give them sudden nods to the fact it was my birthday. I would write on a paper and put it in a hall. The paper would say, “It’s April 8th” which is my birthday. If they STILL didn’t get it, I would put something on the calendar that said, “Lio’s Birthday” and I would right that on April 8th. Then, if they still didn’t get it, I would just give up and yell, “ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!”