This is Part 2

This is Part 2. Part 2 is going to be more of a summary instead of me telling you what happened everyday. SO, This is Part 2: Manzanillo.

As soon as we woke up, BEACH TIME! So we all went to the beach and had an AMAZING time. My entire family from Mexico was there and we played Volleyball, Soccer, we swam, and did SO MUCH MORE. After this day I thought that this ENTIRE trip was going to be SO fun. And well, I thought wrong. We all woke up with a pounding in our head. (except my brother, of course 🙄) The next two days were filled with people vomiting, people having diarrhea, electrolytes, and Gatorade. (Zero Sugar of course) My grandma got so bad and weak that she had to go to the doctors and get electrolytes pumped DIRECTLY TO HER VEINS. The next two days it was my brother’s turn. He went through the same thing, BUT GOT KING SERVICE UNLIKE ME. Keep my brother in mind because I will come back to him later. After we were all better we went to a birthday party which was basically going to a place to eat Mariscos for my tia’s birthday. This was by the beach so ALL the fish was fresh. We went to a party and they rented out an entire property and bouncy houses. It was so fun. They even had an electric bull but this was when my stomach hurt so I wasn’t able to go on it. 😭 During the time that I was in Mexico, my cousin and I went to his grandpa’s house often because they had a private pool in their house and super friendly dogs. We went to their pool a lot. We also got to visit town square, my dad’s old house, and the hotel my Grandpa USED TO BE THE MANAGER OF. Another thing that I did was ride in the back of a truck for the first time. Yes. You read that right. I went in the back of a moving truck with my cousin. If you couldn’t already tell, we stayed at their house.  After a couple more days of spending time with cousins and going to the beach. We stayed at a fancy hotel called El Tesoro. (I don’t know what that means but you can google it) This place did not live up to the price. Yes, having a hotel next to the beach and a pool with heated water was very nice. And the food was good but underwhelming. I thought that it was going to taste like gourmet but nope. The rooms were nice but that was about it. We stayed for one day and that’s it because of my Mexico journey… It’s…Over.

So as a conclusion…My time in Mexico was nice and I had a lot of fun. Lio out.

My Experience in Mexico. (Part 1)

Hello, sorry for not posting blogs, I’ve been really busy getting settled in. However, here is my first blog. I will cover up the first part from when I was in Jalisco and Guadalajara and then Part 2 will be my experience in Manzanillo.

(Pictures in my next blog.) Day 1: So, we arrive at the airport after our flight and grab our luggage. Rent a car. Get on a bus. Wait an HOUR to rent it. And we are off. The place that we were staying was at my Tia Cuca’s house. This is where my grandma grew up. It was a nice house. Once we got settled in, we went to eat somewhere for breakfast. We had Mexican food…obviously. And I had the BEST drink in the world. It was similar to chocolate milk but it was made from strawberries. I called it FresaMilk. After this, we went back home and checked out the house more. After we hung out for a little bit and then went out to eat. I got this really good ice cream. Later in the night, We went to the park and played soccer with my cousins. Even LATER in the night, My dad and I went to an “arcade”. The reason that I put quotes was because it was more like a store where you can pay to play video games. We eventually went to bed and that was all of day 1.

Day 2: We woke up and went to eat breakfast. We hung out…for a long time. My mom went to the doctor. Then we went to one of my aunt’s houses. Then I played basketball with one of my cousins and his friends. (I don’t really have friends in Mexico.) This day was kind of short however, the next one was WAY busier.

Day 3: On this day we Guadalajara and Leon. (Mexican History at the end!) It started with an HOUR FULL of TURNS on a ride from Jalisco to Guadalajara. I almost threw up. Once we were there we ate breakfast. We then went on a tower full of stairs that I was…scared of because I’m afraid of heights. We got to the top and then my Aunt made a game. There was a little window on each side and there was a platform about six feet under the top of the tower. She said that if we could land a coin, she would “give us one hundred pesos.” So we did it. It was pretty fun. We took a lot of photos and took a long time to get to know the place. We finished, went home, got our luggage, and started another 5 hour journey to Manzanillo. We made it to Manzanillo and there was a little group up with my family in Mexico.

Mexican history time 🙂 There was this one monument in Guadalajara and it was during the war between France and Mexico. Pipila told the army of Mexico to put a big rock on their back. He crawled to the building (Alhondiga de Granaditas.)(Google it 🙂 that the French had taken over and he burned the door. Mexico was able to take over the building and win the war. He died in honor and has a monument in the town square.


My parents met a COMEDIAN. They met him in Los Angeles. I’m not going to go into detail just yet. All that I WILL tell you right now is that the way that they met was pretty bizarre.

The comedian was Felipe Esparza. They met him after his show in a crazy way. The morning after the show my parents went to the lobby of the hotel and low and behold…Felipe Esparza. My dad even got a picture. 


25 Best Memes About Donald Trump [April 2023 Update] - The (mostly) Simple  Life


“MOM, I’M SERIOUS!” This kid just told his mom that he wants to be a Fortnite pro. I once wanted too also… when I was little. You may be asking yourself how this is relevant to anything. This brings me into my question. Would you practice EVERY Saturday for HOURS so that you can become anything that you want. My answer is…well… let me tell you.

I might’ve said yes in a heartbeat if I was still 8 years old. Now I have a different question for this and why I might not. Now… can you define success. The reason I ask this is because when you are a small content creator and you get a 5 dollar donation, you might feel good, but if you worked the same hours in a different job, you would make more money. So, this might seem fun and it is, however, you will be broke.

TIME FOR A not so daily meme. It’s been a minute since there has been one SOOOOOOO.

19 Hilarious Pi Day Memes To Celebrate the Unofficial Holiday


HOW DO YOU, make someone else feel happy? I have my ways, and I will tell you my ways IF… you don’t share this with ANYBODY else. DO YOU UNDERSTAND. OK I will tell you.

I ask them if anything is wrong and if they are OK. If they just want some alone time, I give it to them. I will usually text them later asking them if they are OK.


ANY. INSECT. ALIVE. Besides…ladybugs…and butterflies. What is your biggest fear? Mine? It’s pretty obvious because I told you. But let me tell you why i’m scared.

I’m scared because they crawl around so weirdly and it gives the chills just thinking about it. They also have so much hair and SO MANY LEGS. LIKE WHY? I’ve also just always been scared because everyone is. If I wasn’t scared I would be able to SQUISH SO. MANY. BUGS!

Would You?

If your BEST friend stole something from your neighbor, and your parents ask you if you know anything about it. Would you tell them? Or would you lie to their FACE? This is the question that I’m answering today and It’s a tough one. So let me tell you my opinion on how I would handle this.

If my parents asked if I knew anything about this, I would start my sentence with, “OK, I will tell you who stole the cookie from the cookie jar if you promise not to tell them I told you. And also you cant say I gave you this information. So it was my best friend.” This is how the situation would go.


Would I give away ALL of my gifts for the WHOLE year. I’m talking Christmas, Easter, Your birthday, ANY HOLIDAY OR CELEBRATION, to save 10 lives of children in another country. Maybe… let me explain.

The reason I say maybe is because it would SUCK to have NO presents for a year. However, 10 lives is A LOT. So i’m kind of torn between both options. But I think that I would, however it’s only a year.

I’m not going to put a daily meme because it is not appropriate for today’s blog. Thank you for understanding.


Cheating is wrong. But would you cheat on a test in class IF you knew that YOU WOULDN’T get caught? What if you saw someone else cheating what would you do? Let me tell you what I think of this and what I would do.

I don’t need to cheat to get a good grade. I can use MY brainpower to think instead of using my neighbors and possibly getting it wrong. I think that no one should cheat because tests show the teacher what you need help with and then they could help you learn. Then if you’re smart but the person next to you gets it wrong you don’t need to go to the back. I might snitch on others for cheating, it depends on the day.

Here is the daily meme. That is MID.


School Memes ONLY Students Understand - YouTube


I am always accused of doing things THAT I DONT DO. Are there things that people blame you for and you didn’t do them. For me, It always happens. Here is what I get blamed for.

I get blamed for farts my dad does or EVEN MY DOG’S. I even get blamed for part of the cups that get left in the house. Don’t even get me started on me getting blamed for the wrappers around the house. So yes, in conclusion I get blamed for A LOT of things in my house. These are only a few of them.

Okay, this is getting too anticlimactic, so here is your daily meme.

10 Memes That Sum Up Living In L.A. Right Now: Jan. 9