Memorial Collage Questions

1.Water: Glass Of Water

2.Fire: Candles

3.Earth: Flowers

4.Foods: Fried Chicken, Pecan Pie, Macaroni and Cheese

5. Other Items: A picture of him speaking as he did it often and MLK day as he has his own day for everything he did.

The Memorial is about Martin Luther King Jr

IB Learner Profile Risk Takers & Reflective

Write 4 complete sentences on how you took some creative risks in this project (Scary Campus) :

I was a risk taker in this project by taking the photo I did for my scary campus project. I also was one when it came to editing. I added certain scary images and things to it being a risk taker since those are not normally in projects. I was also finally a risk-taker when it came to the whole image of the project. I did a red background to add a more scary Halloween vibe to it as well. 

In reflecting on your Scary Campus Design, what are you good at?

Editing and adding images to it and blending them all together to make something great.

What could you improve in?

Adding better characters and things to it and changing the campus photo around.

Scary Campus Final

9. What is the story/theme in your artwork? Shouldn’t be random things thrown in the image. Tell a story: Write story here: The Monster world has merged into ours and the monsters have come to wipe out all kids so they go to schools with kids and invade to wipe out all kids.


10. What filter did you use on a part of the background? 

Tom Edges

11. What is your transparent item? 

The bats

12. Atmosphere overlay. What is your atmosphere overlay? Put here:


13. What skills do you feel you did well at? Why? What could you have done to improve your composition? 

Putting the images in the right spots and making it look cool, to improve I could have gotten a better spot around school for different spooky ideas


14. How are your selection skills?  Are there white areas around your selection? Or are edges nice and clean? 


15. Overall how do you feel about your art piece? 
