Double Exposure
What i learned during this Double Exposure Assignment was the ability to combine two different aspects together to create things like this. I learned how two complete things could come together to create a double exposure aspect and it was fun and enjoyable. I learned to use color and black/white for this and it came out well. I learned to use the layers more and effects as well.
10 Tips for Taking Better Pictures
Tip 1 Move it from the Middle 2
Center-stage is a great place for a performer to be. However, the middle of your picture is not the best place for your subject. Bring your picture to life by simply moving your subject away from the middle of your picture.
Tip 2 Plain Background
Look for plain backgrounds and avoid strong patterns or clutter behind your subject. A single subject against a plain background will stand out better and make a stronger image. If what’s behind your subject is visually imposing it will distract attention from your subject. A plain background shows off the subject you are photographing. When you look through the camera viewfinder, force yourself to study the area surrounding your subject
Art Element Line
Element of Art: LINE: A point moving in space. Line can vary in width, length, curvature, color, or direction. Properly used, lines can significantly increase the impact of images. Lines serve to affect photographic composition in two ways. First, they serve to create a mood. … By affecting mood, lines add emotional content to images. By leading the viewer’s eye, they keep the viewer’s attention focused on the image.
Element of Art: Value: Lightness or darkness of a hue or neutral color. A value scale shows the range of values from black to white.
Antique Clocks
2025 Goals
Too me this means to keep doing better, and being better each day so that others will notice
Studio Lighting Shapes
The back lighting makes the Shapes appear more dark from the front side of them and it makes it seem as they have less value. From another angle it makes them seem more brighter as you could see more light on the shapes which makes them seem that they have more value to them
The Side Lighting makes One side of the lighting brighter than the other as shown. one side is lit up and that side has more value and the other has lesser value and is more darker and dim as it does not have light flowing onto it.
The Top lighting illuminates the entire shapes and shows a lot of light which shows a lot of value onto the shapes as well. The Shapes are all well lit and the light is flowing through the entire box to light up the shapes.