The Looking Glass Wars – Frank Beddor

Have any of you guys heard of Alice in Wonderland? Alice goes into Wonderland and has a magical journey. But not in this book! This book tells the real story of Alice (actually called Alyss), who goes into the real world when chased by her malicious aunt, Redd. Anyways, in the real world Alyss meets Lewis Carrol the writer of the book, Alice in Wonderland. She tells him her story of how she is a princess and her mother and father were killed by her aunt Redd. But he mixes the story up! He changed it into the book we read today. Back to Alyss, Alyss has to find a way back to Wonderland in order to claim her rightful place as The Queen of Hearts. I think that this book would appeal for both boys and girls and i would rate it a 9/10.

Blogged By Garrett T.

Facing the Lion – Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton

The story, ” Facing the Lion” by Joseph Lemasaolair Lekuton, is about an african boy growing up in Northern Kenya, named Joseph Lekuton. Joseph was a small African boy growing up in Kenya, living in huts and sleeping on the hard rock ground. He lived with his mother, father, three brothers, and his tribe. One day, his brothers and other kids from his tribe, had to spend the night protecting their cattle in lion territory. All of a sudden, they hurd all the cows peeing, that means there is a lion nearby. So all the boys started making noise, to scare the lions away, but then they heard a lion catch one of the cows! So read this book ” Facing the Lion”, to see what happens to Joseph and his tribe. This story is realistic fiction, and is four points.

                                                                      – JT L.

Among the Hidden-Margaret Pederson Haddix

This book is about a hidden boy named Luke. Luke is the third child in his family, so he has to hide. There is a law that says that your not allowed to have more than three children. The “Population Police” will come and take you away if they find out. The government came up with this law because there was not enough food to feed everyone in the U.S.. But, when the Barons(really rich people) move into some new houses in Luke’s neiborhood, Luke meets a new friend who also happens to be a third child in hiding. Her name is Jennifer(but she goes by Jen) and she wants to start a rally in front of the government. She knows 40 other children who will join her. Will Luke join Jen and go to the rally? Will anything happen to Jen? Find out by reading Among the Hidden by: Maragaret Pederson Haddix. This book is great for both boys and girls and is a quick read. It is also the first book in the Shadow Children series. I HIGHLY recomend it.

Blogged by: Kimi T.