Flawless – Sara Shepard

This is how it started:
Four sixth grade girls, Hannah, Spencer, Aria, and Emily lead by the beautiful and powerful Ali were having a sleepover. Typical. They were trying on clothes of each others because they decided to switch clothes for the rest of the sixth grade year. They all had secrets they didn’t want to tell so, they always told Ali each of their deepest, darkest secrets.

When suddenly, a couple weeks after the sleepover, Ali suddenly disappears. All her friends were worried. Soon, it didn’t hurt that much that Ali was missing and they kind of got used to it. Although, when they thought about Ali the pain came back. Three long hard years past until the police find Ali’s body in a huge hole covered in concrete and full of mud in her old backyard. Hannah, Spencer, Aria, and Emilly are so sad that they officially know that Ali is dead.
Later, after they recovered just a little bit, they all get IM’s, e-mails, and text messages from some one initialed A. They all think it’s Ali but they all know she’s dead. “A” tells each one of them their own secrets only Ali knew. Also, when they each get crazy in a love romance that no one knows about “A” threatens to tell everyone about each of their boyfriends. All of this drama leads up to one special thing, the Foxy. It’s the most exciting dance of the year and everyone brings a date.
They all get threats from “A” saying:

At Foxy, you have untill the stroke
of midnight, Cinderella. Don’t forget!

When Aria was in the car with her date, Sean, they were talking and having fun. Aria saw a bright green sticky note. She read it. The note reminded her the stroke of midnight! All four of them gathered and they thought about who “A” might be. But, they soon realized another body that might be…….

I loved this book so much. There are only about 3 or 4 innappropriate parts but, it’s awesome! I totally recommend it for girls more than boys. There is also some language that shouldn’t be said. I think that the author, Sara Shepard, wrote this book with passion and creativity. I loved it!

Blogged by Heather C.

Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden

This book is set in Gion, Japan of the 1930s to 1940s. Chiyo, a young girl lives in a tipsy house of Japan. When her mom gets ill and her dad gets older, Chiyo is forced to move to an okiya in Gion of for proper training to become a geisha. Everything is a little bit unpleasant especially a geisha who lives in the okiya with her, Hatsumomo. Hatsumomo always orders Chiyo around, calls her “Little Miss Stupid”, and makes fun of her. She lives with maids, Auntie, Mother, and Grandma in the okiya. Although, Grandma was killed by a shock from an electric heater a couple years after she moved in. She meets someone called the Chairman while running errands for Mother. She thinks he is nice man. Anyways, she is granted an extremely great deal from a famous geisha, Mameha, it is to become her younger sister! You see, Mameha is going to become an older sister of Chiyo to train her to become a proper geisha like herself. Chiyo learns many new things with Mameha. Finally, after years of training, Chiyo became a geisha. When she became a geisha, she changed her name to Sayuri. At a teahouse where geisha entertain, Sayuri meets a man named Nobu. Nobu wants to become Sayuri’s danna, or husband. Also, she once again meets the Chairman. Mameha has a clever plan for Hatsumomo to become jealous that Sayuri will be adopted as the okiya’s daughter by Mother. The plan also involves someone named Dr. Crab, Nobu, and not Chairman so, Sayuri is upset. Sayuri has a great interest in the Chairnam. Mameha informs Sayuri to learn dancing because all great geishas are famous dancers. She learns it and gets a roll into a dance performance that occurs every year in Gion. Nobu once again asks to be Sayuri’s danna but, Sayuri turns him down and finds another danna, a general in the military. A bomb hits in Japan and kills many people. Even Mameha’s maids were killed by this deadly poison in the air. What will become of Sayuri? Will she find a place to hide?

Blogged by,

Eclipse – Stephenie Meyer

Eclipse the third book of the Twilight Series is the most horror struck book I’ve ever read. Not only does Edward comes back, but Jacob’s a werewolf. This is bad for Bella because vampires and werewolves do NOT get along. Bella chooses her love, Edward, but she still wants to be friends with Jake. How can she do that? Well, this isn’t Bella’s only problem. Victoria, one of the vampires that was going to kill her because Edward killed her mate, is back and she’s hungry. Victoria gets the vampires and werewolves riled up because Victoria’s going around making more vampires and a little vampire militia is forming. Forming an army full of vampires and werewolves is the only way to stop Victoria and that’s what they did. They may all have agreed, but will they actually succeed? Bella cared for all of them but her love isn’t enough. Jacob is deeply in love with her and he’s willing to die just as Edwards is, but Jacob is only a new-born werewolf. He isn’t as trained as Edward is and this makes Bella worry. Will she decide to love Jake more as lovers to save his life or will she just leave him to die? Remember, Bella is deeply in love with Edward, is she willing to risk her love? Read this book and you’ll find out! Not only is it an adventurous novel, but it’s also a love story. Reading a Jr. High School book was no problem for me, so you can read it too if you want to!

-Kelly H.

New Moon – Stephenie Meyer

The second book of the Twilight Series is so romantic, yet it’s also very adventurous. Edward Cullen had just broken up with the love of his life, Bella Swan. Now while he runs around on other continents, Bella is suffering at home. She’s acting so perfect since she has nothing to do and this bothers Charlie. How can she make him happy? One day, Bella decides to act a bit dangerous and risky and then does she meet Jacob Black. Jacob Black is one pretty, young boy, but surely, he doesn’t act like one. He’s so tall and his voice is so husky you’ll believe he’s older than sixteen. Bella just adores Jake and he was her sun. Never had she felt like a hole was punched through her chest when she was with him and it felt good. But Bella knows if they keep on hanging out like this, sooner or later will they become more than friends. Will she risk her love for Edward for Jake. And what about Jake’s big secret? What about when Alice, Edward’s sister and Bella’s best friend/sister, finally comes back to visit? Will Bella’s aching love for Edward ever disappear? New Moon is just an unbelievable book, but I still liked Twilight better. Of course this is more of an 8th grader book, but romantic/fantasy books are kind of my thing. I like reading romantic books but adding a little bit of fantasy will make it more interesting.

-Kelly H.

Twilight – Stephenie Meyer

Twilight is an interesting book about the love forming between an ordinary girl and a vampire.
Isabella, a.k.a. Bella, just moved into a tiny town in Washington called Forks. Her parents were divorced so she constantly had to move from place to place. During school, in one of her classes, Bella noticed her classmate was acting strangely, like something was wrong with he and he just had to get away. His name was Edward and he was unusually very pale with his dark eyes which seemed to change colors often. After a few days or weeks of awkwardness, Bella and Edward decide to get together and talk. Once you know it, they’re dating and this unbreakable bond forms between them. But one day when they’re talking about confessions, Edward confesses that his whole family are vampires. Even though Bella was in shock, she still loved him… Or not! Even if she still did, what kind of dangers will cross her path? By being a vampire’s loved one, will other vampires come by seeking a little snack? Read the first book of the Twilight Series and please enjoy it. I think this book is more of a 16 or 15-year-old kind of book, but the passion between the immortal and the mortal perked my interest. If you’re into romantic but dangerous books, please, you’re welcome to read this book! Enjoy!

-Kelly H.

Memoirs of a Geisha – Author Golden

Memoirs of a Geisha is an outstanding book. It may be a long, small-words one, but it taught me many things. I’d like to recommend this book to girls 10 years of age and up because there are some adult stuff in it, but not that inappropriate.
Nine-year-old Chiyo Sakamoto was separated from her family because her mother was dying of bone cancer and her father couldn’t afford to take care of Satsu, Chiyo’s sister, and her. Mr. Tanaka Ichiro is a wealthy man who takes Chiyo to a place faraway in Kyoto to the Nitta okiya – a geisha house in the geisha district of Gion- where she befriends another trainee, Pumpkin, and where she has expensive debts. Those debts were caused not by Chiyo, but by the Nitta geisha, Hatsumomo, (who is jealous of Chiyo turning into a geisha) and this ruins Chiyo’s path of becoming a geisha.
After some time passed, Mr. Tanaka announced that both of Chiyo’s parents were dead and that Satsu ran away from her new home eloping with her secret boyfriend. After that, they were never seen by anyone ever again. Satsu was unsure of her future until she meets the Chairman, who gives her money to buy ice-cream, where then does she look into the future and sets it to becoming a geisha. Mameha, a rival geisha, who’s successful, to Hatsumomo sees the charm in Chiyo and takes her in. [Note: One of Chiyos’ debts was charged because Hatsumomo blackmailed her into ruining Mameha’s very expensive, silk kimono. Why was she doing this?] After being taken in, Chiyo’s name was changed to Sayuri and Mameha trains her to be rivals with Pumpkin by holding her deflowering ceremony (where Sayuri becomes a geisha) earlier causing Mother (Mrs. Nitta. She was planning to adopt Pumpkin, but then, changed her mind) to adopt Sayuri.
After many years, Sayuri becomes successful, but then, World War II comes in and ruins everything. Sayuri secretly loves the Chairman, who she met some time ago, but it seems like he’s pushing her towards his assistant, Nobu. After the war was over, Nobu pleads Sayuri to convince the minister to let the Chairman be the Chairman again (after the war, their business was over) and if she does so, he’ll become her patron. But Sayuri loves the Chairman, not Nobu. Follow along as Sayuri faces the many problems of being a geisha. The rule was that no geisha is allowed to marry any man. To a geisha, love is just an illusion, it does not exist. Please enjoy reading this book!

Kelly H.

Specials- Scott Westerfeld

Tally is finally a special, a strong and mighty fighting machine. But Tally is a little lonely, so she tries to get her friend Zane to turn special, except there’s one problem you have to have done something special. While Shay and Tally try to make Zane seem special they end up starting a war. Also when Tally can finally take down smoke something happens. I think that anyone who likes adventure would enjoy reading this fun story.

-Melissa I.

Pretties- Scott Westerfeld

Tally has done it. She has finally become a pretty. Despite the mad partying and cool tricks, Tally has a nagging feeling somethings wrong, and when a letter from Smoke arrives everthing stops cold. Tally is starting to remember things that Special Circumstances won’t let any one alive know about. When her friends are in trouble it’s the fight for her life. I think that if somebody likes adventure stories that are hard to put down,this your book.

-Melissa I.

Uglies- Scott Westerfeld

Tally is about to turn sixteen and she can hardly wait, not because of sweet sixteen but because that is when she turns pretty. You see in Tally’s world when you turn sixteen you go through an operation that makes you pretty. But, when Tally’s friend Shay runs away to a place called Smoke before the operation, a secrect goverment organization called Special Circumstances comes. They tell her that either she helps them find Shay and her friends or to not take the operation. But, when Tally arrives at Smoke she finds it hard to leave. I think that girls would like this book better than boys.

– Melissa I.