Claire by Lisi Harrison

This is a book from The Clique Summer Collection.

This Summer, the Pretty Commitee has decided to go their own directions for the Summer. So, Claire goes back to Florida to visit her old friends. Yay! She hasn’t seen them ever since she moved to Westchester and her family stayed in Massie’s guesthouse. Massie is the snobby, rich leader of the Pretty Commitee. She and the PC wouldn’t allow Claire in their group when she first got there; Claire was just made fun of. But now she is with her old buddies for a couple of weeks. They were going to compete in the “Kissime”. It’s like a beauty pageant. But Claire is instead asked to be a celeb judge because she starred in a movie. But conflict starts when rude Massie comes and visits all of them in Florida! Her friends hate Massie, Massie hates them, and now they are all going to compete in the pageant; the one Claire has to judge! How can she choose just one friend when they all expect her to pick them? Massie and her gorgrous looks would win hands down, but she can’t hurt her friends’ feelings, can she?

What will Claire do?

Sophia R

Alicia by Lisi Harrison

This book is part of The Clique Summer Collection. This is one of five books.

Alicia is part of the fabulous, rich, and popular group, The Pretty Commitee. However, this Summer, all five girls decide to go on with their summer alone. Alicia decides to trace back to her roots, and visit Spain. She goes to visit her two gorgeous cousins, and her one mean cousin, Nina. At a party they all go to, there’s a famous singer named !i!. He is looking for a gorgeous spanish girl who will star in his new music video, “rain in spain”. Of course Alicia wants the part, but so does EVERY girl in Spain! However, when she get’s in a physical fight with her cousin, the bump and break one of the great statues at the party in the hotel. They are put to work as maids to pay it off. Ew! And now they can’t audition!
What is Alicia to do?

Sophia R.

When The Wind Blows – James Patterson

When the Wind Blows by James Patterson was a wonderful book! I really enjoyed it.

When Kit Harrison moves in with Frannie O’Neill as a room mate, Frannie finds herself in a adventure that puts her in grave danger. The danger is a girl Max. But, Max isn’t the most ordinary girl. She is incredibly intelligent and she can fly! She has silver and blue feathered wings that can lift her. She is half bird and half human. But, the danger isn’t Max, it’s the people who created her. This group of mystery people send out armies, helicopters, and jets to track down Frannie, Kit, and Max. But, while they run from the group, they have to face survival, other bird-humans, and death. When they are cornered by many people, they have to fight there way apart. But, at the ending they have to face the most difficult thing they have ever done. Max’s death. Her small bird lungs are damaged from a hole in her chest and she is suffering. Doctors try. Frannie tries. Everyone tries to save this rare species but, no one knows how this is going to turn out….=]

This book definitely an adult book and it is incredible! My blog may not be the best way to describe it but, it was fantastic. I was really close to crying at the end. I recommend it to both boys and girls…It was breathtakingly spectacular!

Blogged by:
Heather C.

Lovers and Players – Jackie Collins

Lovers and Players by Jackie Collins is an adult book. It is about the conflicts of the Diamond family.

In New York, the three sons of the Diamond family are asked by their father, Red Diamond, to be at New York for a family meeting. Max Diamond lives in New York, Jett Diamond lives in Milan, Italy, and Chris Diamond lives in Los Angeles, California. They are from different places but, when they are asked to join for a family meeting, they cannot deny. When they arrive in NY, they head for the meeting. But Red Diamond is sick so it is cancelled. During the second meeting which was rescheduled, Max Diamond realizes that his ex-wife Mariska has been murdered so, the meeting is cancelled agaom. At the third meeting that was also rescheduled, they learn about a step-sister they never new about. Max, Jett, and Chris are all stepbrothers. They had different mothers but, the same father.

Throughout the several meetings, Jett finds himself in an affair with Amy Scott-Simon, Max Diamond’s (his stepbrother) fiancee! Unable to tell Max, Jett and Amy realize who they are. Even with a supermodel girlfriend, Jett cannot push away his feelings for Amy.

Chris has another set of problems. His house in L.A. was destroyed by a landslide of mud. He has no where to go and he lost his home. Not only that, he is a lawyer for Birdy, a singing star. Birdy is planning to get married and she put Chris in charge of everything. Chris is scrambling between Birdy’s wedding, his destroyed house, and his cruel father.

Max Diamond’s ex-wife just died of a murder. Their child, 5 year-old Lulu, is scared and demanding. Max a rich man tries to buy himself out of the murdering problems. But, when he is suspected as a murderer he deals with problems that cannot be faced.

At the same time, Liberty ,a teenage beauty, is finding her carrier as a singer. She meets with producers and finally finds the right one. While she is singing, she becomes a model. Her success is amazing. But, when she finds that Red Diamond is her father she realizes that she has 3 stepbrothers. When she is settled into a deep fight with her emotions for a producer and a riveting family, she buckles down and is ready for anything that is coming her way. But, when she faces a major conflict, she doesn’t know where to turn to.

Lovers and Players is a riveting and exicting romance novel. This adult book has high vocabulary and is told by third person point of view.

Blogged by: Heather C. =]

Teen Idol- Meg Cabot

I read the book Teen Idol by, Meg Cabot. I would recommend this book to girls more than boys because this book is about a girl and is from her point of view.

This book is about a girl named Jenny Greenly who is in junior high. Jenny is everyone’s friend and she is great at keeping secrets. She has this minor secret, that she is the school’s secret columnist. She is so good at keeping that secret that she gets told an even bigger secret. This secret is that, Luke Striker is going to come to her school for 2 weeks, to practice for a movie. Luke Striker was a great movie star, every teenage girl’s hero. He is supposed to wear glasses so he doesn’t look the same.

Will she tell other students the secret?

Will he blow his cover?

Read this amazing book to find out.

Saliha H.

Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports – James Patterson

This is the 3rd book in the Maximum Ride series. I recommend that you should read the first two books first. This book is about a girl named Maximum Ride. It focuses a lot more on her saving the world. Well, in this book, Fang, Max’s “brother”, has created a blog for all the kids in the world. He is helping Max save the world. In his blog, he writes what is happening to him, what will happen to the future, and what will happen to the world. He is trying to persuade kids to help destroy Itex (Itex is located in every continent and is a place for the evil scientists to work). However, in the beginning of the book, the flock gets captured at the school by “flyboys”, a new and improved enemy of the flock. They escape, and they bring along a knew crew member. They stopped at a cabin and thought they should take a break. After all, it was night time. Fang wants to split up with Max, so the whole flock splits up. Fang, Iggy and the Gasman are together. Max, Angel, Nudge, Total (a knew dog they got), and the knew crew member are together. The only reason why Max knows where to go to is because of the voice in his head. Why did they split up? You will have to find out.  Will they get back together? You will have to find that out, too. I think this book is great for both boys and girls. It is really adventurous, so it was hard for me to put down. If you want to find out what happens to Maximum and her flock, read Maximum Ride Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports.

Blogged By: Kimi T.

Drama Queen- Lara Bergen

Drama Queen, by Lara Bergen is about a 6th grade girl named Charlie Moore, and her BFF(best friend forever) Nicole doing a school play- “Robin Hood.”  Charlie thinks she is going to have SO much fun, until an 8th grade girl who teases her and Nicole, Amber Wiley gits the lead role, Maid Marian when Charlie gets a woodland creature.  You are probably thinking, “So what if she gets the lead, it is no big deal!” But NO!  The cuteset boy in the whole entire school is the lead role as well, Robin Hood!  Charlie thought the play is going to be a drag, not only does she have to deal with Amber and her clique but the fact that she has to baby-sit her little sister, Olivia during reherasals!  Will Charlie end up quitting the play, or will she end up being a total hit as a squirrel???  To find cout what happens to Charlie and Nicole, read the book, Drama Queen.  I highly recommend it for girls from 3rd grade and up, but I don’t think this book would appeal to boys.

Jodie C.

Breaking Dawn – Stephenie Meyer

Breaking Dawn is the 4th book in the Twilight Saga. There is Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer is about the continuous conflicts between a vampire, Edward and a mortal girl, Bella.
Edward and Bella are deeply in love as they leave high school and find a college where they both can attend. When they are in Bella’s room together, Edward pulls out a ring and proposes passionately and, Bella agrees to marry him since, they’re out of high school (Edward’s one condition to marriage). As you can see, they’ve talked about this before but, Bella thought it would be a much later time before the get married. At the wedding that Alice, Edward’s sister, plans, Bella flows down the stairs in a white, fluffy satin dress. After the wedding, Edward and Bella leave for a honeymoon to an island owned by Edward’s mom, Esme. The island is called Isle Esme. During the trip, Edward and Bella have a great time! At the island, they hear the beautiful crashing waves, smell the cool, fresh sea air, and see only what they want to see, each other.
They come back early because Edward and Bella find out that, Bella is pregnant!! I know, unbelievably hectic!! When they arrive, Edward’s family protects her from everyone including her own dad. But, Jacob (the werewolf) is allowed to visit her. Jacob finds out that Bella is pregnant and is so shocked because, he is in love with her. (Too bad she’s not in love with him, she’s in love with EDWARD.) I mean, who isn’t? Anyways, while Bella is pregnant with her baby, Jacob and two other werewolves help guard Edward’s house (where Bella is staying while her pregnancy). When the time comes, Bella is ready to have her baby! But, when she’s ready, Edward’s dad, the doctor and vampire, is gone hunting!! Edward and Jacob, I know two guys, help her get her baby out. The baby is a half immortal half mortal so, it is huge in her stomach. When they try to get the baby out, it bites it’s way through Bella’s stomach and comes out. (ehhh)
It’s a girl. Right after Bella gave birth to her, Edward injected venom in the heart to turn her into a vampire. Bella lay where she is after giving birth to her, for two to three days straight to restart her life as a vampire. When she awakes, she cannot see her baby, Renesemee, yet because Renesemee still has blood in her. If Bella cannot control herself, Renesemee might get her blood sucked. So, in order to see her baby, she must hunt first. On her first hunt, she is alone with Edward. She first hunts a mountain lion, then a group of elk. When her thirst is under control, they go back to see their baby, Renesemee. When they arrive, Bella carries Renesemee and is so thrilled to see her. But, to everyone else other than the werewolves and Edward’s family, Renesemee is adopted. Also, some vampires have special abilities. Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future and Edward’s brother, Jasper can control and sooth the emotions of others. However, Bella’s ability is a little different. She can protect people from other’s special abilities. Also, Renesmee can show people what she is thinking from the touch of her palm.
When Bella and Jacob take a walk with Renesemee, a vampire is there and mistakens Renesemee for a vampire child. You see, in ‘vampire world’ it is illegal to have a immortal baby so, the baby will be executed if seen. Though, she is HALF immortal. The vampire, Irina told the Volturi in Italy to destroy Renesemee!! Alice sees in the future that the Volturi will come to Washington and try to kill Renesmee. They are all so worried and prepare Edward’s family and Jacob’s werewolf clan to fight. They all look for many people that are vampires to help as witnesses and come up with 20-23 people. But, however many people they have to fight, will they ever be able to stop the Volturi from……………their worst nightmare?, for the Volturi is the most powerful clan in the WORLD.

There are no possible words in the world than can explain my passion for this book!! I think it is the best out of the four but, others think it is too wrapped up around Renesemee. I wish the series would go on FOREVER, now that the series is over, I’m breathless. There’s nothing around to read….NOTHING! Though, I’m finding some pretty good books, nothing will be like my obsession for the Twilight Saga.
Stephenie Meyer really captures your heart, stings it, and then lets it go with the obsession of wanting more in this particular book.

But, think about it, If you could live forever……..what would you live for? At least you know what Edward and Bella CULLEN would live for, each other. =D

Maximum Ride Schools Out Forever-James Patterson

WARNING!!!!! YOU MUST LOOK AT ANGEL EXPIREMENT FIRST!!!! If you have, read on. This book is the 2nd in the series. But this time they learn they have to save the world. During a battle against Ari,an eraser ,bangs Fang`s head on a rock and he has to go to the hospital but going to the hospital could tell the world they have wings, that is bad, real bad. but they have to go so they do. To find out if Max and her flock get known around the world and save the world…read Maximum ride book 2. I rate this book 10 of 10!

Jose R


Maximum Ride : the angel experiment is about a girl named Maximum Ride and her family Fang,Iggy,the Gasman,Angel, and Nudge. They were genetically enginered with wings. Max and her family were trained by “THE SCHOOL”. Finnaly they broke out and were free. But the Erasers were after them. Erasers are half human half wolf people. Will they escape from the cluthes of the Erasers? or will they be free? To find out you have to read this book. I reccomend this book for 5th grade and up and all genders.i rate this book 100 out of 10!

Jose R-