Jacks Black Book – Jack Gantos

Jack and his family are back in Florida. In Florida Jack decides that he is going to be a writer because he thinks that writing about his worst experiences will turn into money. In school Jack does horrible on his IQ test and almost gets ans F in wood shop. Back at home Jack almost get a date with a girl but she never showed up. Jack also made a coffin for his dog but had to dig his dead dog back up 2 times. If you want to find out what Jack’s next crazy adventure will be read this book.

By: Jupinder P.

The Burning Bridge – John Flanagan

This book is a great adventure book! This is the second book of the series.  It talks about a boy called Will being a Ranger’s Apprentice. He has to go on a mission to spy on the army of Wargals that are trying to destroy his hometown. His teacher, Halt, and Halt’s other apprentice are helping him on this journey. To finally succeed, they must face many difficulties. Will has to go spy  on the army himself when they get seperated. Will must fight his way through if he wants to live and save his friends and his house.He found many surprises along the way and he must survive. If he doesn’t, his whole hometown would be destroyed. Will he survive? Or will his friends die because of him? to find out more, you will have to read the book. This book is 12 points. I suggest this book for boys 10 and up.

-Daniel M.