The Report Card – Part 4




Did you enjoy our trivia question? What is your answer?


     To continue, now that everyone knows that Nora is smart, she starts to show her true self. She acts like a smarty pants in class, and she corrects the teachers.


How disrespectful!


Then Nora suddenly starts to get 0’s on tests. After that, the principal demands an answer as to why she is “turning over a new leaf”. 


She has high expectations for Nora.


In these chapters, Nora’s mom also wants her to go to a school for geniuses.


Here is some questions for this chapter.


Why do you think Nora has changed her attitude towards being a genius? Will Nora accept to go to the school?


So next, please read chapters’ 19- End. Be the one to join us in Part 5.


The Report Card – Part 5

Welcome back everyone!


What do you guys think of our club so far? 


     I can’t believe that Nora’s mom found out that she got three 0’s on her tests! “Ooh! She’s in trouble!” Now, Nora has to go to a BIG meeting. There, she finds out that Stephen sends out fliers telling kids to join the rebellion and lower down their standards, by getting F’s.


Now, Nora asks to go and speak to the Blue Team, and so does Stephen.


Here is a question to think about…


What do you think happens at the end? We want to know what YOU think!


Stay tuned because we will be adding our conclusion soon enough! Join us for our conclusion.


The Report Card – Conclusion

Welcome back! Lets talk about the ending of the book.


    We know that Nora and Stephen make a decision talk to the Blue Team. At the meeting they discuss grades. Nora speaks her opinion of the grades. Their speech worked and they didn’t get into trouble.


Here are some questions we want you to comment on:

-Do you think the author had a purpose for this book?

-Do you believe in Nora’s decision to fight for grades?

-What is your opinion on grades?


 We hope you enjoyed reading the fantastic book! This book reminded us a lot about No Talking by Andrew Clements. So if you enjoyed this book you can try No Talking. There will be another book club that will be doing Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life, so please check that out too! Thanks for joining us in this book club! J

City of Ember – Part 1

Howdy everybody. Welcome to our Online Book Club! Yay!

We are an up and running book club. Go and get your copy of The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau. We are going to start by reading chapters 1-5 (pages 1-83)  Try and have this section read by Monday, September 29th and be ready to discuss your thoughts with others in the comment section of this blog.

Don’t worry if you don’t quite finish. Just jump in when you can and join in the discussion.

Before you begin reading, we want to know this:

What do you think this book is going to be about? Look at the front cover and the back cover, and maybe the first paragraph to try and guess. Put your thoughts in the comment section.
Please remember –
if you know about the book already, PLEASE don’t ruin it for the rest of us!!!!!
“See” you all on Septermber 29th!

City of Ember – Part 2

Welcome back everyone!

Thanks to all those who answered our discussion question.

Were your predictions right? From what we’ve read so far, we can tell this book is going to be good. This takes place in an area of eternal darkness. The only light source comes from light bulbs powered by the underground generator. But the lights have started to flicker and blackouts have been getting longer and longer more often. What will happen if the lights go out forever?

In section one, Doon trades the job of messenger with Lina’s job as Pipeworks laboror so he can try and make a difference to fix the generator. Lina really seems to enjoy her messenger job, but poor Doon! Everything that he’s studied about fixing things has nothing to do with fixing the generator. And we loved the part where Lina tells Clary about what she pictures the outside world to be. At the end of this section, the biggest blackout of The City of Ember happened. Good thing that Doon was there to save Poppy.

Are you liking The City of Ember yet? We know we are! Check back next week and please do not read ahead.

Here’s our first discussion question: Based on Lina’s vision that she shared with Clary, what do you think might happen later in this story? Try to include facts from the vision in your prediction.

City of Ember – Part 3

Hi everyone!

We want to give you all a BIG THANK YOU for participating. If you’re reading this, that means that you probably have finished the 2nd section of the book (ch. 6-10, 84-139). If you haven’t finished reading it yet, STOP READING THIS NOW. All I have to say about this section is: WOW. In this section, Lina finds a box that has what she thinks is a set of instructions inside, but isn’t sure what it says because her little sister was chewing on it and now all the words are scrambled up. Could this be the box that is mentioned in the Introduction? Lina thinks the note is important so she tells a few people about them, including the mayor, but none of them cares.

Then Lina tells Doon because she thinks he will be interested. Soon Lina and Doon figure out that they had to go down in the pipeworks and find a door, but when they find the door, it’s locked. A few days later Lina finds out that her Granny is sick.

Okay here is our discussion question: Doon and Lina have to work together to figure out the mystery of Ember, but they are very different people. We want you to tell us the differences and similarities between these two main characters.

Next time we talk you should be done with chapters 10-15 (pg. 132-192)

City of Ember – Part 4

Welcome back everyone you should be done with section 3 of the book. In section three of the book, Lina’s grandma dies then Lina and Poppy move in with Mrs. Murdo. Lina was suspicious about how Lizzie retrieved some food that was supposed to be extinct. She decides to investigate and finds out that Looper gave it to Lizzie. Later Lina and Doon decide go back down into the pipeworks.

When they go down into the pipeworks to find the door again there is a key in the lock. When they open the door they find that the mayor is sleeping, they also find tons and tons of light bulbs and plus more useful supplies. So they tell the assistant guard about the secret room and the mayor. They find out that the secret room is not the way out of Ember and there is another door. Once again they go back down and find the way out of ember but don’t leave just yet. So they tell everyone about the way to escape at the signing.

Okay our discussion question is: How do you think Lina and Doon are going to present information they discovered and how do you think the people of Ember are going to react?

Next time we meet you should be done with section 4 or the end of the book. See you soon.

City of Ember – Part 5

Hey welcome back! You should be done with the last section of the book. Now lets start discussing about the last chapters. The guards were chasing Lina because everyone thinks that she was spreading rumors about the mayor! When Lina was forced to speak to the mayor, he threatened to send her to the dark, cold Prison Room. Lina planned to run for it but then the lights went out. There was no flickering, it was just pitch black, but Lina managed to escape in the darkness. She met up with Doon and Poppy. Then they head down to the Pipeworks
They go to the place where the boats are stored and the three of them get in the boat and head down the river. It takes a while to reach the end of the river and realize they have to hike for several hours. Lina and Doon filled up their bottles in the river and started their long hike with Poppy. When they finished the long hike, they find out that there was a whole new world above Ember. Lina and Doon decided they should tell the people of Ember so they wrote a note, attached it to a rock, and sent it down the river. Back in Ember, Mrs. Murdo finds the note and begins to untie it.
Will Mrs. Murdo understand the instructions that Lina and Doon sent? Will the citizens of Ember escape to the new world?

The City of Ember – Jeanette DuPrau

This is a fantastic book about a civilization that exists entirely underground. They don’t know of anything above ground. In this world, everything is controlled, even your jobs as an adult. The conflict is that the generator that is providing the only light in Ember is slowly failing. The two main characters stumble upon the mystery of their world and it is up to them to save it. It is a very easy read and you will soon get caught up in their adventure. It is a G rated book and would appeal to both girls and boys. There are already two sequels to this book: The People of Sparks and The Prophet of Yonwood.

Reviewer – Mrs. Phillips