The People of Sparks-Jeanne DuPrau

The People of Sparks is the sequel to The City of Ember and let me tell you about it. As from The City of Ember, Lina Mayfleet and Doon Harrow found a world full of light and weird creatures, totally different from the city of Ember where there was no sun or creatures. They left a message in Ember telling them where they were and after a few days, everyone from Ember emerged from underground [Ember was a city underground] and they traveled on for days until they found a city, The city of Sparks. The people of Sparks were willing to let them stay in the city, but there was too much people and Sparks couldn’t possibly feed all of them. Plus, where would the Emberites eat and sleep? Finally, Sparks made a decision that the Emberites would stay for six months, in a hotel, and work for food so when they leave, they would know how to harvest crops and make a new city. But the Sparks and the Emberites aren’t eating enough and they’re working too hard. Then, the Sparks start attacking the Emberites and so they fight back until all of this leads to war. But Lina and Doon doesn’t like this; they don’t want this. They don’t want to ruin this beautiful city. So, is courage and strength enough for Lina and Doon to stop this war? Please read this book and I recommend this book to all children. I hope you’ll learn that violence isn’t the right answer, it’ll just lead to hatred and nothing will come out of it. Please Enjoy!

Kelly H.

Gathering Blue-Lois Lowry

Kira is an orphan with a twisted leg. Before she was born, her father Christopher was taken away by beasts. After Kira’s mother dies of disease, Kira is worried if her life will be spared by the Council of Guardians. Because of her twisted leg, many people thought that she would just bring trouble if she lived. But Kira has a special talent: she is a very gifted weaver. So the Council of Guardians give Kira the task of mending a very special robe that The Singer wears during The Gathering. Her talent keeps her alive and brings certain privileges. But Kira soon realizes that the world she lives in is filled with secrets and mysteries. This book is very interesting and I really enjoyed it. It’s filled with drama, suspense, and is a really great book.

Emily N.

The City of Ember – Jeanne DuPrau

On Assignment Day, a day where 12 year-olds are assigned jobs, Lina Mayfleet’s desperation for wanting to be a messenger finally pays off! Doon Harrow trades his job, messenger, with Lina’s job, pipeworker, because he wants to be useful to Ember and make the blackouts stop. Ember barely has any electricity and its running out of foods and supplies. One afternoon, Lina’s grandmother starts rummaging through stuff and Poppy, Lina’s sister, finds a beautiful box with some important papers in it. Poppy likes to chew on things and so she chews on the paper. Lina figures out that these papers are important and that they could lead to another world where they don’t need anything. Where everything is there and the skies are blue. Read along as Lina and Doon find out the puzzle to the instructions and as they journey underground through dark tunnels to this mysterious, new world. I recommend this book to all young adults and I hope they’ll journey along with Lina and Doon. Enjoy!

Kelly H.

.Hack 1 infection-Mui Kawasaki

In the book .Hack or Hack a girl named Akira who loves tennis starts playing a game called The World. She started playing because her brother Fumikazu has gone into coma so Akira starts playing to find out what happened to her brother. Then she starts having dreams of an injured girl carrying a sword. So once she starts she creates a character named Blackrose. When she enters The World she meets two real friendly-like people named Chimney and Nova so they teach Akira how to play. On her second time playing she meets a guy named Kite whos friend also went into coma. So they try to find out why people have been going into coma. Will they find out why they went into coma?

Blogged by,
Tanner S.

The Giver- Lois Lowry

This book, The Giver, is about a boy named Jonas. It was the time of the year of the special ceremony. He was now eleven and will soon to turn into twelve.
Jonas will then be an adult with many responsibilities. He was given the job of the receiver, which is very important. But he will have to work alone. He will have no time for playing. He soon receives lessons from the former receiver, which is now known as the giver. The giver somehow gives Jonas memories of the past. The past where everything was different. None of the other people, except him and the giver, have known of this. But later on, the memories begin to sink in. The pain starts to attack Jonas. Jonas has never known of wars with soldiers dying. He saw the memory of soldiers and animals bleeding to death because of the wars. He is now afraid. With this new knowledge, how will Jonas live his life? What decisions will he make? Well, you will have to read this book to find out! This was a wonderful story and I enjoyed it. It may be a bit scary or confusing, but you’ll get it. Just read more! Please enjoy! I know I did! ^_^

-Kelly H.

The Schwa Was Here-Neal Shusterman

Anthony Bonano (nicknamed ‘Antsy’) was just a normal eighth-grader living in Brooklyn. Until he meets Calvin Schwa (nicknamed ‘The Schwa’) who is invisible. Well, not exactly invisible, because you can still see him if you concentrate. But he’s just really, really unnoticeable. I guess you could call him invisible-ish. Everybody has weird stories about why he is the way he is, and what happened to his mother. People started paying The Schwa to do dares that have to do with his “invisiblishness,” and Antsy would be his manager. Things seem to be going okay… until someone dares him to sneak into the scary Old Man Crawley’s apartment and bring back a dog bowl from there. They get caught and have to walk Crawley’s huge dogs for 12 weeks. When Antsy asks The Schwa what happened to his mom, Schwa gets really uncomfortable and just tells Antsy that his mom dissapeared when he was five. When Crawley’s handicapped granddaughter named Lexie comes to town, Crawley asked Antsy to be her personal escort. Even though they realized that Lexie’s grandfather had set them up, Schwa becomes jealous of Antsy and Lexie’s relationship. So he once throws a fit and tells Antsy that he’s tired of being “invisible”and that he doesn’t want to be forgotten and end up like his mother. When he plans something big to get himself noticed, that horribly doesn’t work. But a butcher in a supermarket knew the story about The Schwa’s mother that would change his life forever… The Schwa Was Here by Neal Shusterman is a hilarious story will make you laugh out loud! It would definitely appeal to both boys and girls. It does have some mild language, but it’s not really that bad. It is told in the first person by Antsy and is the absolute kind of offbeat story that I love, and I know that you will love too when you read it.

Emily N.

Dread Locks-Neal Shusterman

When Parker Baer meets an interesting girl with long, glimmering spirals of golden hair that look like snakes named Tara, strange things start happening at his school. Tara’s new “friends” develop strange new habits like eating dirt, drinking a lot of milk, and becoming very dull and boring. Parker gets sucked into Tara’s world and gets turned into the thing that Tara has been for many years. This wild thriller makes you want to keep reading and reading, and also keeps you awake at night! I think both boys and girls will like this book and I really recommend it. To say more about the story would spoil the spooky fun. So let the twist unravel itself and leave you as still as a statue.

Emily N.

The Giver-Lois Lowry

This story takes place in the future. The world is perfect for Jonas and there is no sickness or thieves. The thing is, the story is very hard to understand.This is a great book and I highly recommend it if you can understand it. This book is not very long, so you can read it pretty quickly.

blogged by Garrett T.

Gathering Blue – Lois Lowry

This story is about a girl named Kira who lives in a village. One of Kira’s legs is deformed so she can’t walk. Pretty soon her mom dies and she must go to the council of elders to see if she can stay in the village or die. Her village does not use years to determine how old they are instead they use syllables. Kira’s best friend was Matt. Matt as you can see is one syllable old.

I think this book is good for girls and boys. Its storyline isn’t as hard to follow as the Giver’s storyline . I would give this book 7.3 out of ten as ten being great and one being not so good. Thank you for reading my blog. Have a nice day!