The Transall Saga – Gary Paulsen

As 13 year old Matt Harrison finally get to go on a 7 day trip across the old Magruder Missile Range, he fell into a blue light that transports him to what Matt thinks is a different planet but later told it was the future. Matt finds some arrow people that looks like Indians and he gets invited to live with them. A few days later, the Tsook captured the arrow people and took them as slaves. Matt was also a slave and escaped. As he was escaping, some Rawhaz were coming to attack the Tsook. Matt didn’t want the village to be destroyed by the Rawhaz. Matt ran back to the village and warned the people about the Rawhaz. After the fight with the Tsook and the Rawhaz, Matt was given his freedom and the Merkon the ruler of the Tsook came to see Matt. There was a big feast the night the Merkon came. Matt asked the Merkon about the blue light and the Merkon told him that the light will strike at any random time. The Merkon asked Matt to visit his palace. When Matt did, the Merkon tried to kill Matt. Would Matt die? Would Matt kill the Merkon? Read The Transall Saga to find out.


blogged by Justin L.

H.I.V.E.-Mark Walden

H.I.V.E. stands for the Higher Institute of Villainous Education and that is exactly where Otto Malpanese is taken to. H.I.V.E. only recruits the best of the best, the most cleverest of the cleverest, and the most smartest of the smart to come to this school. In the beginning Otto suddenly wakes up to find himself very dizzy and in a helicopter with one other kid.  The two kids introduce themselves and Otto finds that the kid’s name is Wing. Both of them are very dizzy. When the helicopter lands they are dropped off on a volcano! They see a whole bunch of other kids and don’t know where they are. Later they find out that they are at the school, (you guessed it!) H.I.V.E.! Soon they start to make friends and all of them start to tell each other what kind of bad thing they did to get into this school. For example Nella, a stuck up girl, broke into many jewelry stores and stole stuff that was very valuable. They all traded stories until it was Otto’s turn. For some reason he doesn’t know how he got in trouble! Well, I’ll have to stop there because I don’t want to give the whole story away. If you want to find out what Otto did to get him into H.I.V.E. then you have to read this book. I think this book is for anyone as long as you like adventure stories.

Happy reading!

Blogged By Garrett T.

Animorphs-K.A. Applegate

The story Animorphs by K.A. Applegate is about these aliens called Hork Bajir. There is one Hork Bajir named Aldrea and she is the main character. Aldrea’s father needs to go to a different planet  to train to become a warrior. Aldrea gets inspired by her father and wants to become a warrior just like him. There is one problem and that is Aldrea also wants to be like every other female Hork Bajir and she knows that girls are not born to be warriors. Every girl should have a tail blade smaller than males and to not do any fighting.  Aldrea’s father thinks if Aldrea wants to become a warrior then he should take his whole family with him. Aldrea gets into wild adventures and morphs into other animals. Aldrea’s father gets asked to go into this one place called Father Deep or known as The Deep. Father Deep is a place that no Hork Bajir has made it out of there alive. Aldrea and her family made it past the guardiansof Father Deep and made it past where any Hork Bajir has gone. Aldrea’s biggest challenge is getting in a fight with a Yeerk. A Yeerk can take over any humans body. I will not tell you any more of the story because I want you to go and get this adventurous story.

-Alexandra C.

The Supernaturalist-Eoin Colfer

In the future, a young orphan named Cosmo Hills escapes from a terrible orphanage. In the orphanage the boys are tested on and worked to exhaustion. While he is escaping he falls from a rooftop and is about to die. But he sees things in the air that are sucking his life. That’s when a group of kids shows up. They start to shoot the things so he won’t die. Later he finds out that the things are parasites that suck people’s life only when they are hurt. The group of kids are called the Supernaturalists. Their group consists of the leader, Stefan, the medic, Ditto, and the kid Mona. The Supernaturalists patrol the city wiping out parasites when they are needed. But is that actually what they are supposed to do? Well if you want to find out you have to read this book. I think this book would be mainly for boys but girls can read it too. Happy Reading!

Blogged by Garrett T.

Hannah West on Millionaire's Row- Linda Johns

This book is the fourth and last book so far in the series Hannah West. This book takes place in Seattle, Washington just like the rest. It is about a twelve year old girl who is a professional house sitter with her adoptive mom Maggie West. This book starts when Hannah and her mom move into a mansion on Millionaire’s Row. Then one day the neighbor’s houses have been broken into. It was really weird because nothing was stolen just the furniture was rearranged into Feng Shui and a rock was left in every house that was broken into. After the first house was rearranged Hannah, her mom Maggie, and best friend Lily found out that a TV show was being taped on Millionaire’s Row. then people would get to bring their precious item and see how much the stuff was worth. After part of the show was taped 2 things were actually stolen not the furniture being rearranged but the stuff was stolen. Who is the thief? Is it Louise (one of the neighbors practicing Feng Shui) or is it Gloria (an innocent neighbor). Who is it? Read the book to find out. ENJOY!!!
This book is Mystery.

Hannah West in the Center of the Universe- Linda Johns

Well this book is the third in the series and takes place in Fremont. Which is not actually the center of the universe but is know as it. So, about the book the mystery to be solved is that there is a dog stealer out there somewhere. The detective is 12-year-old Hannah West a professional house sitter, dog sitter, and baby sitter. Well the first dog that was stolen was Ted’s dog. Ted is Hannah’s new neighbor. Well then Hannah puts up posters of her business of dog sitting and of Ted’s missing dog. Then at this one store someone keeps taking the posters down. Is that the store that stole the dog? You will have to read the book to find out.

I will recommend this book to girls and boys. And I would recommend the first and second book first.

Saliha H.

Hannah West in Deep Water

Well this book takes place in Seattle and is about a girl named Hannah West. Hannah West is a professional house sitter with her adoptive mom Maggie West. She is a great dog sitter and baby sitter. This mystery is about a movie taking place where Hannah lives and dead fish. Even though these two things seem like they have nothing to do with each other they do. The movie stars find dead fish in the water that is part of the set of the movie. How are these fish dying?? Hannah found her new mystery to solve. She does see people in black suits a lot and then people dumping stuff in the water. Are they the ones killing the fish? Read the book to fid out.

I would recommend this book to girls and boys but recommend the first book first.

Saliha H.

Among the Hidden-Margaret Pederson Haddix

This book is about a hidden boy named Luke. Luke is the third child in his family, so he has to hide. There is a law that says that your not allowed to have more than three children. The “Population Police” will come and take you away if they find out. The government came up with this law because there was not enough food to feed everyone in the U.S.. But, when the Barons(really rich people) move into some new houses in Luke’s neiborhood, Luke meets a new friend who also happens to be a third child in hiding. Her name is Jennifer(but she goes by Jen) and she wants to start a rally in front of the government. She knows 40 other children who will join her. Will Luke join Jen and go to the rally? Will anything happen to Jen? Find out by reading Among the Hidden by: Maragaret Pederson Haddix. This book is great for both boys and girls and is a quick read. It is also the first book in the Shadow Children series. I HIGHLY recomend it.

Blogged by: Kimi T.

Messenger-Lois Lowry

This is the sequel to Gathering Blue. Matty is a young boy. He lives with a blind man whom everyone calls Seer in a place called Village. In this place, people are usually kind and help others. Matty dreams of becoming the messenger of Village. The messenger is the person who goes back and forth through the woods to send messenges to other villages. Matty is the only person who can go safely through the woods. For some reason, when other people try to go through the woods, they get injured and hurt. Over time, Matty realizes that some people of Village are starting to change. They are no longer nice and kind, but are turning cruel. Pretty soon, these people want to make Village unwelcome to visitors! Matty only has a little amount of time to get Seer’s daughter Kira before the gate closes. He and Kira will have to use their special gifts to get back to Village. I really enjoyed reading another great book by Lois Lowry. I recommend to both boys and girls who have read the other books in the series.

Emily N.

The Giver-Lois Lowry

Where Jonas lives, life is predictable, safe, and orderly. People hardly make their own choices; every aspect of a person’s life is carefully planned. Everything’s decided for them by the Committee of Elders. Where Jonas lives, there is no snow or sunshine, no colors or music, no animals or nature, and worst of all, no love. In December, Jonas and the other Elevens will become Twelves and they will be assigned jobs for them to do in the community. They will have many responsibilities. Jonas is chosen to have the most honored, mysterious, and important job: The Receiver of Memories. A Receiver of Memories is the one person with access to memories of the past. Jonas begins his training with the current Receiver whom he calls Giver. Giver gives memories of the past to Jonas – memories of things that Jonas never knew of. At first, Jonas receives memories of good, happy things like love and sunshine. But the Giver must also give Jonas memories of loneliness, wars, poverty, hunger, grief, and rage. He will have to carry the burden of knowing the pain. Jonas realizes that the community he lives in is not all it seems. He also realizes that there are different and better ways to live. This book is a really fantastic book, but it is hard to understand. It’s a book that I’m sure you’ll never forget. I recommend it to both boys and girls.

Emily N.